My Best Friend, My Lover

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We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It's just that providence had other ideas as to how we would get there. Destiny plans a different route, or turns the dream around, as if it were a riddle, and fulfills the dream in ways we couldn't have expected.

The two bestfriends sitting beside each other at the park.

Gabriel: Lets be friends forever.

Danielle: Forever..

Little did they know one of their lives was about to change forever and would be cruelly be torn apart when Danielle's mom died in a fire while cooking dinner.

Gary (Danielle's father): Why did this have to happen to you my darling? Whyyyyyyy?!

Danielle: Mommy, please come back. :'(

Devastated by the lost of his wife, Danielle's father decide that they would live the town that reminded him too much of his wife and move to the city.

Gabriel shows up and knocks on the door and kindly asks if Danielle can come out and play.

Gary: You disrespectful little brat, me and Danielle are leaving. You will not be seeing her for a very long time. Now, leave us in peace!

Danielle tries and beg to stay.

Danielle: Dad, can't we stay? I don't wanna leave my friends, please?

Gary: NO! Get in the car right now!!

They get in the car and proceed to leave.

Gary: Stop looking so miserable all the time. We are leaving and that's FINAL!

Gabriel: Danielle, WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

Gary drives fast away.

Gabriel: We didn't even get to say goodbye :((

It would be 5 years till the lovers were reconnected.

He played alone day after day day at the park where the shared fun memories and became bestfriends.

***** 5 YEARS LATER *****

They come back to the town they once live in.

Gary: The place hasn't changed much in the past 5 years, go up to bed and sleep, you start school tomorrow.

** She got up and ready for school.

Danielle's life didn't turn out the way it should have.

Gary: Sarah, I can't live without you.

Torn apart from the lost of his wife he became a drunk and took out his anger on his daughter.

Danielle: Dad, please.. Do you have to drink? Its only 8am.

Gary: Don't you dare tell me what to do, you little brat!!

Danielle walks away.

Gary: Don't walk away from me.

He hits her over and over.

Gary: I'm so sorry sweety, it was the drink. I love you.

Danielle: It's okay dad.

But Gabriel living a very different life from his childhood sweetheart caption of the football team, he was the boy that every guy wanted to be and every wanted to date.

Ash: Hey baby, your looking pretty hot today..

Ash: Oh heyyyy. Look, here comes the trampy new girl.

Danielle looks into his eyes.

Ash: Hey baby, your looking pretty hot today..

Ash: Oh heyyyy. Look, here comes the trampy new girl.

Danielle looks into his eyes.

Ash: Stupid trampy girl! Should I give you another black eye to match that one? Huuhhhhh??

Gabriel: Danielle, is that you?

Danielle: Yes.

Gabriel: Oh my god! O_O Where have you been all this time?

Danielle: Away... I just got back nice friends you hangout with.

Gabriel: Those stupid girls? They're not my friends, don't let them get to you.

Danielle: Its okay, I'm use to it.

Gabriel: I've miss you Danielle, I gotta go to football practice but can you meet me at the park after the one we use to play in when we are little, remember it?

Danielle: Of course, I remember it!

Gabriel: I'm so glad you came Danielle. It's been so long.

Danielle: It has... we're different people now.

Gabriel: But, it doesn't change anything. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. So, are you gonna tell me how you got that bruise?

Danielle: Does it matter?

Gabriel: Yes, I couldn't bare if someones hurting you.

Danielle: It was just my dad. He has loast his control since my mom died.

Gabriel: Oh my god! I'm such a bad friend, I had no idea. You were going throughout this and I let you do it on your own.

Danielle: It's not your fault, you didn't know.

Gabrielle: That's no excuse, I should have tried harder to track you down.

Danielle: Sometimes, I don't know what I have to live for, my mom is dead, my dad hates me.

Gabriel: What are you talking about Danielle, you have me remember what you said. Bestfriends forever.

With that Gabriel kiss Danielle..

But fate was about to deal Danielle's another heavy blow.

Ash: Damn losers won't be dating soon, I'll split them up if its the last thing I can do.

Danielle goes over to Gabriel's.

Danielle: Gabriel, are you there?

She looked into the window to see Gabriel and Ash making out.

Danielle: This can't be. No!!

She went home after.

Gary: Don't cry baby girl, I know I haven't been much of a dad to you but, I'm here for you now.

Danielle: Thanks, dad. I just thought Gabriel loved me but I saw him kissing another girl.

Gary: I'm sure he loves you, maybe he just made a silly mistake. You should go talk to him before you regret it.

After that, she went to Gabriel's house.

Danielle: Why did you do that Gabriel, why?

Gabriel: I'm sorry Danielle, I'm so stupid. Please forgive me..

Danielle: Ok but, please dont hurt me like this again.

Gabriel: I will. I love you so much, I know we are still young, but Danielle will you marry me?

Danielle: Oh my GOSH! Yes Gab, I will.

Gabriel: I'm never gonna let you go again.. Ever, I love you Danielle..

Danielle: I love you too, Gabriel.

The end :) Hope you like it XD

- Yulzee <3

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