♥︎Chapter 1♥︎

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I wake up with a pounding headache. I was out partying all last night as usual.

> Flashback <

I walked into the kitchen to pour myself another drink, I feel someone's arms snake around my waist.

"Hey beautiful, wanna dance?" A random boy asked

He had a few tattoos a lip ring and a nose ring. Dam he was really hot actually.

"Sure." I say letting the vodka take over me.

We run to the middle of the dance floor and start dancing like crazy.

After dancing and making out with the mystery guy who I didn't even get there name I go back for another drink.

> End of flashback <

I decided to sleep because my head was killing me and I just had taken some aspirin.

A few hours later I wake feeling much better, now I have to go to work.

I get out of bed and get dressed. I start walking to target where I work.

I just finished my shift now I'm walking home it's about 8:00pm and its dark nobody is around.

I really wanna get home quickly, so I decide to short cut down and alleyway.

It's not like anyone walks down there anyway.

As I was walking down the alleyway smoking a cigarette.

I feel like someone is following me, but I just shake it off.

I continue walking till I feel someone grab me.

"Don't move." The guy said holding a knife to my neck

I get out of his grip and start running, the guy catches up to me.

I feel something being stabbed in my arm, then I blacked out.

♛Carter Mahone♛

One of my crew members Zach just kidnapped this girl and brought her back to our place.

I took the girl from Zach and laid her down on my bed.

Waiting for her to wake up. After a few minutes I realise the girl Zach kidnapped was the girl was at the party with the other night.

I never got a chance to get her name.

She finally starts to wake up.

"Where am I?" She says

"Your safe." I say

"Your the dude that was at the party the other night." She says

"That's right I am. I didn't get your name beautiful." I say

"Skyler." She says

"Carter." I say

"Would you like anything to drink or eat?" I say

"If that's okay I guess." She says

"I'll let you come out but don't pull any stunts or you will be sorry." I say

"Okay." She says


Carter gave me something to eat and drink. Then introduced me to his 'gang'.

Alex Robert and Zach. I think Zach was the one that kidnapped me last night I'm pretty sure.

"Skyler I'm going out I'll be back soon stay with the guys." Carter says

"Okay." I say

I walk back up to carters room and just sit there.

All of a sudden Alex and Zach come in. They pull me up and I scream.

They tie me to a chair and start kissing my neck.

"I know you like me." Alex says

"No I don't." I say

They countiue doing it for a few more mins leaving bruises and a few cuts on me.

♛Carter Mahone♛

I come home and see the boys playing video games.

I walk up to my room and see Skyler tied to a chair with bruises and cuts on her.

She was sobbing.

"What happened?" I ask

"Zach and Alex they did this I was just sitting here and they come in and tired me to the chair." She says between sobs

I untied her and laid her on my bed and go speak to the boys.

"Alex why would you do that to Skyler and you too Zach." I say mad

"It was fun." Alex says

That made me so made I start throwing punches at them. Till they start bleeding then I walk away to check on Skyler.

I see she is asleep I decide to jump into bed with her. I wrap my arms around her.

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