Chapter 1

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Rengoku POV

Me and the other hashira were waiting for the Master to come for the requested meeting. I was standing with Kocho-san, Kanjori, Uzui-san and Iguro-san. We were all talking about our last missions.
We were interrupted by two monotone voices. "The Master has arrived." We all kneeled infront of our Master.
"Good day my children. What's the sky like today Kyojuro?" I smiled. "It's a clear blue sky with little clouds." The Master smiled gently. His expression then turned grim.
"The reason I called this meeting because I've heard reports of demon killings that were not ordered by the corps." Kanjori gasped. Shinagazuwa growled. (oh no a gacha bad boi help.) "Seriously? Just some killings?!" The Master sighed. "Some slayers are even reporting other demons at the sight of the killings. That is why I'm sending Kyojuro and Sanemi out to see what they can do." Shinagazuwa smirked.
"Meeting dismissed." We all got up. Me and Shinagazuwa got together near the Wind Estate. "Guess we're working together Shinagazuwa." I laughed. He scowled at me.
Our crows gave us directions to where the next killing was supposed to take place.

Timeskip brought to you by tanjiro and Nezuko not existing in this story
(It's true)

We reached a forest clearing. It was the dead of night and almost automatically, a demon came down from the trees to attack us. I knocked it back with my sword. It landed in front of us. A demon with black hair jumped over me and, using its claws, slashed open the other demons face.
"Good going darling!" A voice sounded from behind us. Shinagazuwa growled in annoyance.

Sabito POV

Giyu just slashed that traitor's face open! I called out some encouragement to him. He only glared at me. "Not the time for flirting!"
I laughed. Then I noticed the two demon slayers. No. Hashira. "Rengoku! Take that one and I'll take care of the black haired one!" The wind hashira shouted. The flame hashira rushed at me.
After a couple minutes of fighting, I heard a body crash into a tree and a yelp. "Giyu!" I screamed and jumped towards him. He was lying on the floor and heavily bleeding. His injuries weren't healing as quickly as they would normally. I grabbed him bridal-style and jumped into the branches of a tree. "What the hell demon!?" I pulled a knife out of Giyu's pocket. I threw it at the wind hashira and it hit. I jumped down and started brutally killing that traitorous demon. It screamed in pain as it's limbs were ripped off. I pulled out random containers and started putting body parts in. Before I did, I injected a serum that would keep those body parts from disappearing. I then took his now disembodied head and injected a poison in. It's screaming ceased as the poison took its effect. It's head started decaying from the inside-out. I dropped the head on the floor and let it die. I turned back around to see the hashira's disgusted faces.
I laughed. "Not used to a demon killing one of its own? Don't you humans do it all the time?" A whining from above stopped the hashira from answering. "Sabito, hun. Help me please. Take me back to father." I gulped and nodded. "No way you little shits. Your coming with us." I ignored the hashira and picked up Giyu. "Nakime!" The twang of a biwa could be heard and we were transported to the Infinity Palace.
A loud commanding voice echoed through the room.

"What happened to my son!?"

~601 words~

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