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Lauren pov

My mom and I were in the garden near the barrier separating the dragons land and the witches land from each other.

I was playing with some bunnies when I was approached by a young dragon with a crown.

Assuming he's a prince like me being a princess. I bow in respect and he bows in return.

He looks at me and asks, "Where's your crown? I can tell you're a princess by the way you dress."

"Oh! I don't wear my crown when I'm going out. It's a bit heavy to me so I don't wear it. My mum has it though," I respond scratching my head.

He nods and asks, "Okay, well I think you're pretty and you look fun to be around. Do you want to be friends?"

"Sure! My name is princess Lauren, but you can just call me Laur or Lauren. It's nice to meet you!" I say bowing down once again.

He nods and bows as well, "Nice to meet you Laur. My name is prince Jameson. You can just call me James or Jamie."

"James, who is she?" a woman with 3ft long wings asks walking up to Jamie with a woman who has two wings that are 2ft long.

"Hello mothers, this is My new friend, Lauren, Lauren these are my mothers, queen-" I interrupt him.

Bowing to the queens I finish his sentence, "Queen Leah and Queen Ziona. It's nice to meet you both again."

"It's nice to meet you again, princess Lauren, the last time we saw you was the meeting two weeks ago." Queen Leah says bowing while Queen Ziona grumbles.

"Yeah, she was also the one who stole your attention from me that day..." Queen Ziona says with a slight pout in her voice.

"My dear, you aren't still mad about me paying more attention to a child that was practicing her magic and managed to successfully cast one of the hardest spell in the spellbook while also creating a new spell that is harder to cast than those spells?" Queen Leah says turning to face her pouting wife, "In her defense what she accomplished was impressive for a 6 year old to accomplish, especially with her having her mothers sensitive genes. I was quite impressed by how she was able to accomplish something like that."

"But still... I'm your wife, not her..." Queen Ziona says.

"Well of course she isn't my wife. If she was I would be considered a pedophile if she was," Queen Leah snaps back at her wife.

I ignore their argument and turn to Jamie.

"If you take me on a fly I will teach you how to do a super hard dragon spell. How about it Jamie?" I ask him.

He nods and says, "Sure. But don't rip me off or anything!"

I chuckle, "I won't Jamie!"

He turns into his dragon form and takes me on a ride. When we get down I grab my dragon spellbook and magic and teach him a super hard spell.

"Okay, so to do this spell you must be close with your dragon spirit," I look at him and he nods and tells me him and his dragon spirit are really close, "Okay then, so next you need to trust your dragon spirit completely amd let him take complete control of your body."

He nods and takes a few steps away from me and tells his spirit that he trust him.

Now that that step is done I continue, "Now you have to merge with him-"

"Wait what?! I have to mate with my dragon?!" He asks.

I shake my head and say blushing, "No! You're not sleeping with your spirit your creating a more advanced bond with your spirit!"

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