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Hi. My name is Alia Ashley Mounir. I am 16. I live in Boston with my family. My mom, Laureen Nehemiah, is a 45-years-old American nurse. She come from a Jewish family. Her grandparents are from Poland. She met my dad and they became friends. She discovered Islam and converted to it. Then, my dad and her fell in love and get married a few months later. My dad is a businessman.

My dad grow up in Egypt, but she came in Boston when he was 14. His dad (allah yarahmu) got a job here. He died a few months before my birth: so my dad called me Alia, the "feminine" of Ali (his dad's name). His mom Fatima is still alive tho. She is very kind and lovely.

I have 5 brothers. The eldest is Matthew Mohamed. He is 22 years old. He lives in Boston but in his own flat. He is protective and kind and careful. He is married "islamicly", but he didn't get married "civically". His wife's name is Dua. She is very kind. She is very comprehensive and we are pretty close to each other. Matt and Dua are photographers.
My second brother is Kayron Karim. He is 20 years old. He is so mean and I hate him. I don't even want to talk about him. He still lives with us unfortunately.
Then come the triplets: Zacharia Zyon, Harry Hamid, Yann Yanis. Zack is the pretty quiet. He is very sportive. He plays soccer, basketball and karate. He is very protective over me, but he is also comprehensive.
Harry is a nerd. He is an A-Straight-Student. He loves school. He is very strict on that point but he is pretty kind.
Yanis is a very funny guy. He is a little bit dumb but he makes me laugh so hard. He is kind and we are pretty close.

Anyways, my bestie's name is Jasmina. She is a black pretty girl. We are very close to each other. She is a hijabi too, just like me. I think that the fact that both of us are Muslim makes us very close.
I also have other friends, even if I am not as close to them as I am to Jasmina. I have Nora, I have Wassim, I have Streven, I have Gloria, I have Mike...

Anyways, I hope that you guys will enjoy my little story. Kisses.


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