Chapter 1

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So, Here is was on a Monday, sitting in school, bored as you could be. My Mexican friend Esteban was sitting next to me, along with my friend Zoee, which was behind him. We were doing some stupid presentation with some shitty software my teacher found on the internet. There was animations and words, that was about it. So, here I am, writing about some random shit we are doing in school. Then there is this kid named Tomothy. It is a funny name, but i know that and so does he. Tomothy is weird, he is short, and only skateboards in the rain.

Well Tomothy is not skateboarding today, a beautiful day, but he still doesn't go unless it is raining. Can't force him to go i guess. This is where the story gets a little weird. I am on my way home, and there is this homeless man who stops me on the side of the road. Of course i did not want to stop for him, but since I am a nice person, i did. He wanted a sandwich, and that was it. I got out of my car, to get my toolbox because i had a sandwich in there. When i grab it out of my pickup, he gladly accepts it, and then grabs me and zip ties my hands together. He says thanks for the sandwich, threw my off to the side of the road, and took my pickup that i just bought a week and a half ago. I was too afraid to be mad, and since it was a dirt road, there were not many cars to go by to help me out. Rest. In . Peace.

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