14 | Don't Provoke My Demons

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They practiced till 9 PM then Taehyung left their apartment. Jimin was feeling so happy now. It has been so long since a friend visited him at home.

He turned around to go back, only to find Jungkook standing in front of his room with his arms crossed.

"What?" Jimin asked.
"Next time, you won't open the door!" Jungkook said as a matter of fact.

Jimin mirrored his expressions and crossed his arms too. "Why? Do you have any problem if my friend comes over!?"

"It can be anyone god dammit don't you understand!" Jungkook moves ahead and towers above him slightly.
"I will open the door and you won't come out of your room unless I say so."

"NO!!! You can't always tell me everything!" Jimin replied frustrated. He could see Jungkook was trying to save him from harm but he is so done with being told around by everyone.

"Are you already forgetting about the 1st rule? Do you want me to show you what a punishment looks like!"

Jimin raises his eyebrows and scoffs, "I'm not scared of you anymore! What will you do about that?"

Jungkook rolles his eyes angrily and on impulse pulls Jimin closer by his waist. Jimin's breath hitch and his eyes widen. "You don't want to know what I can do to you! Don't provoke my demons."

Jimin sucked in a breath. He tried to angrily look into Jungkook's eyes to put up a strong front. "Leave me!!"

Jungkook pulled him impossibly closer, leaving no gap between their torso.

Jimin's eyes watered up when he felt a hand moving under his shirt. Jungkook roughly squeezed his skin on his back. His gaze was intense.

"Stop that..." Jimin whispered; his chest heaving up & down. His eyes widened more when Jungkook's hand started inching down shamelessly. His heart started to beat loudly.

"Don't... Please don't..." He pleaded but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"I'll remember your rules..." His voice broke. He lowered his head and rested it on Jungkook's shoulder, not able to look him into those dark eyes.

Jungkook's stance broke and he parted away from Jimin at once.

He looked at his gloomy face and felt weird emotions rising in his chest. He went back to his room and banged his fist in the wall. 'Why do I keep hurting him! Just why!'

Jimin locked his room and laid down on his bed, sobbing. 'Why can I never find freedom? Why does everyone control me? Why do they keep making me feel bad? Just Why!'


The week was busy with everyone practicing and working hard. It was uneventful for the most part. Friday was a little bit intense because those bullies were in Sports Complex all day - giving Jimin lustful eyes.

Jimin didn't leave Taehyung and his senior's side for the whole day. He was fixed if they tried anything funny today, he will actually complain about them to the dean.

Taehyung, despite him denying, dropped him home, saying he does not trust the four at all.

Jimin cooks something for himself and takes it to his room before Jungkook reached home. He has been avoiding him for the whole week.

He hears the doorbell ringing at 7:30. As per the "rules," he can't open the door.

He hears Jungkook going for the door and decides to place his ear on his own door to hear if it's Taehyung who has come.

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