6 | Don't Look Cute When He Is Around

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Jungkook rolled his eyes with a sigh, and turned him around with his backpack. "You are at right place. They told me a pink haired boy will be my roommate" Jimin's cheeks turned pink to complement his hair.

He felt scary chills in his bones when he entered the house and saw there was only one room. 'Living under the same roof with him-' Jungkook closed the door shut loudly, making his heart stop for a moment.

"I'm not sleeping with you in the same room..." Jimin mutters slowly and warily looks at Jungkook who moves inside with his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised.

Jimin gulps down and looks around the house, stuck at his feet.

"I'm not going to eat you, don't give me that look." Jungkook states; his gaze hard. Jimin's cheeks flush pink. He stands there nervously playing with his fingers.

"And you are not invited to my room! Ever!"
Jungkook moves to sit on the couch, going back to whatever he was doing.

He gestures towards a door "That's your room. I hope you will remain in there only."

'That's what my parents asked me to do! To stay away from any trouble!' He thinks with a pout.

But the way he's getting instructed reminds him of some other events that makes him upset. He was taken aback.

"What does it mean?" He asks in a lower voice, feeling unfair. Jungkook turns to face him with an arrogant look, and he immediately steps back. "Whenever you see me at home, don't ever come in front of me! Stay in your room only! I don't like people around me."

Jimin purses his lips lightly. His fists clench, and his throat feels heavy with the weight of unsaid words he has never been able to say out loud.

"Am I not clear?" Jungkook turns to look at him. "Or do you wanna know my intentions this time too?"

Jimin doesn't say anything and walks to his room before locking it from inside. The walls of his room are baby blue color; calming to his eyes. But his mood was spoiled.

He places his backpack on the table and plops down on the bed with a long tired sigh.

He keeps looking at the ceiling, thinking back on his life with his parents. His parents... They are extremely controlling to the point where they decide every minute thing for him.

They decide who can be his friend; who cannot. He couldn't bring himself to mention Taehyung to them. They would've demanded to meet him; and looking at such a handsome man, they would've straight away denied their friendship.

"They will make you look ugly" is what they always tell him.

Jimin feels overwhelmed when he thinks about all the times he has been denied most normal things.

He wanted to feel the freedom in his new home; wanted to feel alive; wanted to make friends with his roommate and live the life that's shown in movies. But he has got restrictions even here!

His lower lip trembled and he turned on his side, closing his eyes with unshed tears in them. Soon he fell asleep like that. With hunger in his stomach, and pain in his heart.


Jimin wakes up with a slight rumble in his stomach. He rubs his eyes and checks the time on his mobile phone.

"It's already 8:30?" He gets up from the bed and stretches lightly to go out of the room.

He carefully scans the house and, with no sight of Jungkook, enters the kitchen. Jungkook was taking a water bottle out of the fridge.

Jikook⁴ | My Scary Roommate ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ