chapter one: the first chapter

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🌟: hey!! this is r first book hope u guys like it <3 purple minion haters kys

"I love you so much, Angel!" Otto kissed his rock girlfriend passionately. Bob sighed-- when was he ever going to fall in love like Otto and his rock??!
Suddenly, he sees someone.
"Ugh," he sighs, Joe, the purple minion.GOD, she's so annoying, but so... pretty, he thought. Even suddenlyier, Joe... came up to him!
"Your goggles are crooked, idiot," Joe said, a frown in her purple face as she adjusted his eye goggles.
"O-o-oh, thank you," Bob stutters, his face turning red. He tries to collect himself, but they make eye contact and he gets red and twirly yet again.
"What are you looking at, twinkie?" Joe sneered, blushing slightly. Bob's heart sunk to a pit of anger and sadness as he realized that were natural-born enemies, and nothing was ever going to change that.
"Clearly I'm staring at you bag!" Bob exclaimed, he didn't want to but couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Fine, I'm leaving. You go play with your, teddy bear," Joe said laughing snobbish.
"D-don't make fun of Mr Bear!"Bob felt tears in his eyes. "How could you, he's m-my best friend..."
Bob felt so embarrassed he could die.
"Oh, I didn't meant to make you--sorry." Joe said in a sorry voice.
"Just leave!" Bob whimpered pushing Joe away.
"Please wait!" Joe grabbed Bob's small little meow meow hands, squeezing them tight. Bob felt his heary skip a beat or two.
"What are you doing?!" Bob exclaimed, flustered.
"Listen, meow meow, I know how you feel abiut me and I feel it too. But nothing can change the fact that we are enemies. I'm sorry." Joe said with a frown on their face. Bob stood there for a moment, mouth open in surprise. Then without thinking—he grabbed Joe by his overalls and kissed her lovingly.
"HEY!" Joe screamed.
"I don't cant if we're enemies, it doesn't matter. You and I, we can change the way people see us. We can make all minions get along." Bob exclaimed. Joe stared at the shorter, adorable minion, her icy gaze melting into a warm pool of love.
"But what if they hate us—try to hurt us?" Joe murmured as a singular tear fell from her eyes.
"Then we hurt them back. If they cant accept us for who we are, well, then they don't deserve us." Bob said convincingly, wiping her tear.
"You're right, but w-what if–"
"No. No buts, no what ifs, we can do this" Bob cuts him off. Joe scratches their fuzzy purple hair and sighs.
"If you believe in us, then i'll believe in us." Joe says leaning down to kiss the smaller minion on hus
bald forehead.

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