When did you realise that you love her?

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When did you realise that you love her?

I realised it when I felt like I could spend the rest of my life with her
I realised it when she just hold me when I cried
I realised it when she hold my hand while walking down the street
I realised it when I touching her felt natural
I realised it when she hugged me
I realised it when I laughed with her
I realised it when we listened a song about love and I found us staring eachother
I realised it when I felt like I would do anything for her
I realised it when I felt proud of her
I realised it when I felt happy with her
I realised it when I could really be myself with her

And I love it

And it hurts

It hurts alot

But still I'm not ready to let go

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