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Kazari Uiharu stood in silence, deep in thought. She had no idea what to do in this situation.
Granted she has been normally like this since the beginning, but now she was more conflicted more than ever.

After all how could a single chocolate cake cost 50 yen? It didn't make any sense. She could've bought 25 muffins for that price. And she would've however she refrained from doing so.
Because today was a very special day: Saten was finally released from the hospital. After 5 days of recovery and rehabilitation Saten alongside Muu, Mako, Akemi and the other victims were able to leave the hospital and go on with their lives. Granted some of them were also involved in some criminal activities and they were swiftly taken into custody, but so far everyone's able to recover without problems.
Saten disclosed to her also that she and the others will take a sort of special class. What that class' lesson contained they both weren't sure but Saten didn't show any sort of nervousness. None whatsoever.
Perhaps she was hiding it as sort of assurance to her and her friends, maybe mostly to herself. Uiharu couldn't help but like that part of her despite her concern for her; she only hoped that Saten wouldn't get into trouble while on that class.

"Uh miss, have you decided what to take out then? There's a line forming behind," the woman in the counter interrupted Uiharu's thoughts. She instantly jumped in surprise and embarrassment. Uiharu was still in a loss to choose which cake to buy.

"The Ultra-Triple Choco Cake looks and tastes probably good but you're probably better off taking the cheaper ones. They might not look flashy or tasty comparatively but they're pretty popular around here."

"But I don't want to take just something like that so easily. It has to be very special. I can't just take one simple cake and be done with it," Uiharu was frustrated by her indecision, turning to talk with the person who had suggested her about the cake.
He was a high school boy, with kind, blue eyes contrasted with jet-black spiky hair. He was tall, tall enough to make her strain her neck as she looked up to his face.

"Why the need for that? Just take one of those cheaper cakes, like that one." He pointed at one particular cake; Uiharu turned to see a chocolate cake filled with a simple yet elegant design and body. Uiharu's eyes widened in glee. And she saw that the cake was reasonably priced.

"So, will that be the one miss?" The receptionist asked the young girl.

"I'll take it! One on the go please!" Uiharu cried in joy, unaware of the line behind her groaning "Finally"'s and "Oh God"'s. The boy behind her merely smiled politely.


"Thank you for your help mister. I was really busting my mind on which cake to pick." Uiharu said to the older boy.

"Don't mention it. I reckon it's for a celebration isn't it?"

"Oh... uh yeah it is."

"Well then, I'll leave you to it." The boy merely walked away, waving goodbye to the young girl. Uiharu nodded back in return, looking down at the boy's bag of breads at his side.
Uiharu felt like things are looking up to her right now.

Until they didn't.


Uiharu felt like the universe was very cruel at times.
A call from Kuroko had sent her quickly to the 177th Office, where a couple of officers she had occasionally see in and out move around the small space at a frantic pace.
Normally Uiharu would be rather freaked out by the activity in the office but thanks to her partner Kuroko she was able to have a clue-in on what was going on; a series of gang-related scuffles had been going on lately around Districts 5, 6, 7, and 19, with numerous Judgement officers around those Districts stepping in to handle the situation. Kuroko was called in to handle a scuffle District 7.

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