Ch.1 Nightmare

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*after brainy's and smurfblossoms wedding everything thing has been great ever since*

smurfsoul: "Oh dear i'm gonna be late" *Running with a bag filled with blueberries*

clumsy: "hmmm what can I do today?" *turns around*

Smurfsoul: "CLUMSY WATCH OUT!" *tries to stop running but trips on a rock* "GAAAH"

*they both crash and fall down and all the blueberries scatter on the floor*

Smurfsoul: "oucchhh...."

clumsy: "Oh gosh smurfsoul i'm sorry!!" *gets up and helps her

Smurfsoul: "Nah its ok clumsy it was my fault for running and not looking" *picks up blueberries*

Clumsy: "Here let me help" *helps pick up blueberries* "Where are you going in such a rush?"

Smurfsoul: "Well baker is gonna teach me how to make a cake for smurfettes birthday!"

Clumsy: "Oh right smurfettes birthday is tomorrow!"

Smurfsoul: "Yea so thats why i'm in a rush since baker is gonna help me make smurfettes birthday cake" *finishes picking up blueberries*

Clumsy: "Rightt so how's you and handy?"

Smurfsoul: "Oh we're doing great!" *smiles*

Clumsy: "thats nice" *gives blueberries to smurfsoul*

smurfsoul: "Thanks clumsy, i better be going now"

Clumsy: "Wait, do you know where brainy, hefty, and handy are?"

Smurfsoul: "Oh um handy told me they're gonna be at his workshop"

Clumsy: "Oh ok thank you smurfsoul! BYEE" *runs and trips* "I'm fine!!" *gets back up and runs*

Smurfsoul: "Your welcome" *laughs and heads to bakers mushroom*

*clumsy goes to handy's workshop and knocks on his door and handy opens*

Handy: "Oh heya clumsy what brings you here?"

Clumsy: "Hi handy and um I dont really have anything to do so I wanted to hang out with you, hefty and brainy since smurfsoul told me you guys are here!"

Handy: "Oh, well come in my friend" *opens door to let clumsy in*

*as clumsy enters the workshop he sees hefty and brainy working on something*

Brainy: "I got it i got it!" *something explodes leaving black marks on brainys face*

Hefty: "Brainy!!!" 

brainy: "Sorry sorry!"

clumsy: "Hey guys what are you guys doing?"

Hefty: "Oh hey bro! well i'm making a new smurfboard for smurfette and handy and brainy are both helping me make it for her birthday tomorrow"

Handy: "yep papa and willow planned on making her birthday a surprise party so we're just helping hefty make her a birthday present"

Clumsy: "Oh nicee, can I help?"

Hefty: "Sure, the faster we could finish this smurfboard we could help with the decorations for tomorrow"

*They all start help making the smurfboard and end up finishing early*

*With smurfsoul*

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