My Earnest Wish

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  • Dedicated to My Loved Ones

Dedicated to every person in my life whom I love and/or care about - yesterday and today. If you are wondering if that list includes you as well, it most probably does.

I wish 

I could make you whole again

I wish

I could make sure there will never be no hurt again

I wish

I could steal you from your life 

I wish 

I could guarantee there will be no more strife

I wish

I could make sure there's no more friction

 I wish

I could rewrite the story so that your reality is tenfolds better than the most beautiful fiction

I wish

I could ensure your existence is devoid of all kinds of pain

I wish

I could make certain everything you do only results in huge gains

I wish

I could wipe away your every discomfort and frown

I wish

I could edit fate so that happiness is the only thing in which you drown

I wish

I could turn your every endeavour into a stupendous succes at the very first try

I wish

I could make every thing(one) you dislike disappear so that you dont ever get upset or cry

I wish 

I could guide you atop a golden throne whereupon you sit wearing a joyful crown

I wish

I could force your eyes to see the beauty of your soul which can never be marred by their petty lies

I wish

I could design things so that you always get a double six with every single roll of the dice

I wish

I could make time get stuck on replay in the moment when a real smile graces your lips

I wish

I could will nirvana to be eternally yours every time that destiny, your coin flips


I wish

I could do all that and more, so much more. 

If only all wishes came true!

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