♤ Chapter 1 ♤

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         {Just a normal school day..}

                   [Spencer's POV]

"LOSER GET YO ASS UP-" I shot up from my bed and saw my cousin Ivern looking annoyed at me, I rolled my eyes at "what do you want it's Saturday let me sleeppp" I groaned at him while covering myself with my blanket then my blanket got thrown on the floor "are you stupid it's monday-" "HUH WHAT TIME IS IT-" I suddenly fell off my bed with a loud thump "Its 7:45 mate better hurry your gay ass up" I swiftly got up and went to the bathroom did my normal things like brushing my teeth, washing my face and brushing my hair. I quickly ran to my room and put on a white shirt and black jeans, I also took my hoodie and wrapped it around my waist.

I ran downstairs almost falling down, I then saw my aunt cooking and my cousin sitting on the couch looking at his phone. Well yes I do live with my aunt, reason why it's because my dad is at a business trip with his boss? But only for 3 months a month has passed already so 2 months to go, but Im very confused why my dad's boss took him on his business..(sum going on with Spencer's dad and his boss 🤨📸) "Ivern! You said its 7:45! Why aren't we about to leave?"  He looked up at me and chuckled "I lied it was 6:45 now it's 7:15" He started laughing at me, I ran towards him and jumped om him them I started hitting him with my book but he still kept laughing. I stopped and got off him, I also kicked him a little "Im just gonna leave early- i mean it's better being early than late! Right aunt?" I looked at my aunt and she nodded "Whatever nerd, cya in 1 hour and 15 minutes" I rolled my eyes and left the house.

● At school ●

I arrived at school and I only saw a few people there, I went inside and went to my locker as Im shuffling throw my stuff I turned my head to my right to see Theo..my crush- heh..I might look like a tomato by now, I guess he was taking something from his locker I quickly took my stuff and ran outside.

I took a look around to find a place to sit somewhere, I found a oak tree so I decided to sit there I took out my book and read. Why not read and wait for school to start? I flicked a page then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see Theo. "Hey! Spencer right?" I smiled and nodded "Y-yup! H- how may I help you?" I said while getting up, sh!t he's so tall- "Well i came to give you back your book that you dropped" he handed me my math book that I stupidly dropped on the floor- and I had math for the first period I'd be introuble if I lost it-. "T-thanks! I would've gotten in trouble if I lost my book heh-" "Oh? Who do you have for maths?" He said putting both his hands on his pockets "Mr Trustman (I couldn't think of any so I had to do this😭)" he sighed "that's very sad. He is very rude and annoying, Lucky i found your book" he said chucking I smiled "Yeah, and I appreciate it a lot, I really don't want get a 1 hour detention over a book-" he smiled "Well bye cya later!" he smiled at me then he walked away "I also love your hoodie!" I blushed "T-thanks!" I sat back down I pushed my book against my face and squealed "H-he talked to me!!" I hugged my book like it was a teddy.

"well looks like someone is happy" I turned my head to see one of my bestfriend Drevton! "Oh hey Drevton, fancy seeing you here!" I smiled at him, he sat down "So what are you doing?" "Im just reading a book right now" he nodded then we just started talking about stuff. "Hey guys!" we both turned and saw Rervan out friend well- my friend and Drevton's Boyfriend but eh. He sat down next Drevton and hugged him "Anyways how are you guys?" Rervan asked "not bad!" I said "im great". I checked my watch and it was 7:50 "Do you guys wanna do anything till class starts?" "sure, but I wanna get something from my locker" Rervan said me and Drevton nodded. We got up and went to his locker.

We reached his locker and Rervan started to ramage through his locker "Drevton stop looking at his ass-" I said smacking the back of his head he rolled his eye's at me. "Alrighty done!" "great!"

Anyways, we started walkinh around and do goofy stuff with eachother, but mostly me and Drevton arguing over stupid things over something Rervan just laughed at us.

"Hey are you guys doing a science project?" Rervan asked "Nope we're not right now (Drevton and Spencer are in the same science class✨) wait are you doing it with someone?" Drevton said while we stopped infront of our math class (yes they are in the same math class✨) "Uhh with this guy called Trev?" Drevton gave Rervan a look I sighed here we go again with his overprotective self. "How does this Trev guy look..?" Rervan also knew what he's about to do again "Listen babe, Trev isn't a bad person I promise you! I swear if he does anything I'll tell you like i always do! Please don't be mad!" Drevton crossed his arm and went in class Rervan sighed "I've got to make it up to him-" Rervan nervously cracked a smile I shrugged.

We went in class ofcourse I sat somewhere far away from Drevton and Rervan to sort things out- I took my book out and waited for the teacher. Then Mr Trustman came in and shouted "everyone books open now!" everyone did as we we're told to do.

1 hour later●

It was break I waited outside for Rervan and Drevton, and I see them happy together! Phew thank goodness- "See you guys finally made up!" I laughed at them "whatever-" Drevton pouted, "Let's go to-!" "Spencer!" I turned my head to see Theo walking to me I blushed "Oh h-hey hot- i mean Theo! H-how can I help?" he spoke to me again! "Can i borrow you for a bit? I kinda need help with something! If your friends dont mind?" I turned to the 2 that already had smirks on their face they nodded in agreement, I turned back to Theo "Y-Yes I can come with y-you!" "Great! Well let's get going" I nodded and started walking with him.

●At the Library●

We reached to where he needed me which was the Library? we went inside the Library and we sat on a table. "Right so, I kinda need a bit of help with my science homework-" lucky we we're in the same science class so I knew most of the answers "Sure I-i can help!" Ughh spencer stop stuttering! He took his homework out then I told him the answers, 15 minutes have passed and we finished. "Thanks so much spence! I appreciate it so much! I really don't wanna get introuble-" I smiled and then I blushed when I realised that he called me spence- "O-oh n-no worries! I-if you ever need help I-im more than hap-happy to help y-you!"  he smiled then he got up before he left he patted me on the head. After he left I squealed quietly, "I think he's starting to warm up to you!" a familiar voice echoed I looked up to see Drevton, Rervan and Ivern?! What's he doing here- "Ivern what are you doing here-?" I said while getting up "Ehh I had detention but I ditched it-" I shook my head at him "Anyways should we go to science Drevton?" he nodded we left the 2 who we're also going to science class aswell, we reached to our science class then we went in the teacher wasnt there yet we sat down on our allocated seats everyone managed to get to class and the teacher came in

55 minutes later●

Alright everyone before I dismiss you all for your next class, Im partnering you up for a science project aboug genes! (dont ask why I chose that 😠📸) now im gonna start calling out the group!"

"Rihanna and Cylo"
"Vinna and Simian"
"casper and Veronica"
"Lilith and Oriana"
"Fizza and James"
"Drevton and Kiki(kiki's taken dw💪)"
"Lucia and Quinn"
"and last but not least! Theo and Spencer!"

I looked up from my book shocked "Any questions? No? Okay! Now you have 3 weeks to complete this science project, no you wont be presenting it instead your gonna get judged on your work by the science department!  which will be Mr Lufia, Miss Marry and Mrs Urana!" everyone said okay and started packing up, I was clearly excited because i'd be working with Theo yipee! I walked to my next class not waiting for Drevton because i'm honestly not bothered to- Anyways I reached my next class, and sat down on my seat STILL thinking about me working with Theo!

Then the teacher came and we started..


               {Word count: 1597}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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