Final Goodbye 02.20.13

18 3 2

My eyes were dry as I entered the room.

Little did I know that would change pretty soon.

His smile was gone, pulled down to a frown.

Sobs filled the room, myself refusing to make a sound.

Looking ahead I should've known.

The tears I'd held back had a mind of their own.

As they forced us apart one last time, my walls broke down

My mind shattered this time.

A kiss on his cheek, a tear rolls alone.

My knees feel weak, the strangers stares follow me before I'm gone.

Buckling slightly a gasp echoes through the air.

I run quickly refusing to break down while they're there.

Exiting now I hold back my cries

The snow falls easily, cold yet light.

Around me time goes on

Yet all I can think is he's gone.

He's gone.

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