New friend

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Griffin has always been unseen by everyone. His parents never look twice his way, the teachers always forget about him, and his peers never pay attention to him. It's not like he cares though, he likes the quietness of his house, he also likes how he never has to participate in gym or during presentation time, he also likes how he's never been picked on like Finney Blake or popular with everyone like Bruce Yamada.

Even though he loves being unseen he also can't help but hate it due to the fact that he knows his crush would never look his way. Billy commonly known as paperboy, the billy who has tons of friends, the billy who is well known, the billy who's parents love him, the billy who will never love him back, the billy who will never notice him.

The school bell rang causing Griffin to snap right out of his thoughts. "Make sure you guys study for the upcoming test this Friday" he heard his teacher shout at the students who quickly ran out the door. Slowly grabbing all of his things, Griffin began to walk out the classroom. He began to walk towards the bathroom not knowing that this one decision would change his life.

Opening the door, I walked inside, stopping as I saw Finney Blake who you guessed was getting jumped by a group of unimportant bully's. Now I can make two choices, option A I can leave the bathroom and carry on with my day or option B I can say something possibly making me a bully victim as well. Of course the reasonable option would be to walk out but that's what I always do and that got me nowhere. So I decided to put on my big boy pants and say something. "H-Hey!!" Great just great I managed to make fuck up my first time talking to someone at school, just my luck.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I realized that everyone (meaning Finney, and the three bully's) were staring right at me. It's now or never griffin you can do this, taking a deep breath I managed to stutter out "stop or-or I'll tell a teacher." Now I sound like a nerd, well done griffin, "ha tell a teacher what are you twelve" dumb bully c says before they all walk out of the bathroom leaving Finney in the ground.

"Hey, thanks man I owe you one." I look at Finney who is now at the sink washing the blood off his nose. "What's your name, I've never seen you around! Oh I'm Finney by the way, Finney Blake" rolling my eyes I walk to one of the bathroom stalls. "I'm Griffin stagg, I'm in your biology class." It sucks that even the kid who observes everything didn't even notice me but it's not like I care or anything. "Oh I'm sorry I've never noticed you" yeah no shit Sherlock, jeez I made a mistake by choosing to save his ass. Walking out of the stall I see Finney next to the wall holding his nose.

"I think they broke my nose, Hey do you wanna be friends!" Did I hear that right "friends?" "Yes, do you want to be my friend? You seem really cool." Okay I can handle this, it's not like this is going to be the first time anyone has asked me to be their friend, I'm perfectly fine.

"Sure why not."


I also posted this on ao3

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