Chapter 1

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A.N. I'm doing a rewrite! It'll be worth it, I swear. A bunch of the chapters will be better written and I'll throw in some new bonus scenes for anyone who re-reads the rewritten chapters.

Pain. Endless, limitless, pain. It thundered through my arms and clawed its way into my chest.

What happened?

There was a red spotlight beaming directly at me. My eyes refused to open further than a slit. I dug my nails deep into my fist. Pain can be a powerful motivator. It distracted me enough that I was able to wrench my eyes open.

Bad idea!

My forehead screamed in protest. The last time I'd been in this much pain, I'd been stuck in the white room. I'd purposely failed multiple exams and that man decided to order my instructors to get creative with motivating me.

The throbbing in my head was getting worse, and regulating my breathing was only helping so much.

Studies have shown that the loss of one sense can enhance the effectiveness of others. Trying to move my body yielded minimal results. My cheek was resting against something hard and smooth. My fingers traced small crevasses giving way to smooth tiles. I was definitely on the floor. But how did I get there, and why was I in such a pathetic condition? And was it true that the floor underneath me was spinning, or was I the one doing the spinning?

Regardless, it seemed inevitable that I would fall soon despite somehow already having made my way to the ground.

I bit back a hiss as my entire body started going into tremors against my will. My nails dug into my palms in a desperate bid to cling to my quickly retreating consciousness. It was useless. The encroaching darkness continued its relentless approach. No matter what I tried, it refused to be repelled. Right before I completely succumbed, I heard a blood-curdling shriek to my left.

Who was that? They sounded so scared...

As my vision began to fade to black, I ran the voice through my mind, trying to place who it could be. The taste of copper flooded my mouth, metallic and bitter as I gnashed my teeth against my lips, attempting to complete my analysis before it was too late.

My muscles screamed in agony. I attempted to lift my arms, but they seemed to have been replaced with lead pipes.


Was someone calling my name? Why did that voice sound so familiar?



It was too much. I let go of my brief hold on consciousness and welcomed the all-encompassing embrace of darkness.

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