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If you don't know me, my name is Jakayla Toney. I'm a Wattpad Creator and Wattpad Star. 2016 Watty's Winner and author of Hide and Seek. For years I've helped hundreds of writers reach their writing goals. I've stopped some time ago due to serious health issues and today those health issue have me home. I no longer can work full-time jobs due to my illness and will most likely apply for disability.

With that said, this is not sad news. This is a new beginning for me.

I would like to continue helping writers as I used to do. I've created a YouTube Channel: Jakayla Toney where I would like to create book covers for my readers who have supported my writing. I want to give back to the community fully now. I will start by creating professional eye catching covers for my readers.

Bonus: At the end of each month, one devoted reader and or subscriber to my channel-I will pay for a high quality book cover to be made from them by a professional and also share AND read this story. I will leave comments on their work and continue to support it. If you want to know how these covers would be check out my works: The Lovely Suicide Children, Helena and the Rings, and Violet, No Smart Kids Allowed.

I don't need to ask for money to do this. I ask for you all to support my channel, and that there will give me a chance to continue doing this.

How to submit: In the comments on this chapter all I need is

1: Title

2: Genre and description and or blurb of your story (If you need help writing one, I will do it for you)

3: Age Range

4: Main character's nationality

And if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Jakayla Toney I will make sure yours is first in line for a cover. Because that support goes a long way.

I will post the video of the cover and how I make them as a tutorial on YouTube so you can make them too. I will be using to make the covers. It will be easy to follow along.

When I am done, I will send you the cover through email and post the video the same day. If you'd like me to shout out the book and leave a link in the video description I would be happy too. If you want me to include the blurb of story, I would love to.

In the past it was very hard for me to keep up with Wattpad because I worked at a few famous LGBTQ bars in NYC and was always busy. I'm also a mother of a 9 year old so time was crucial. Since I'm basically on a bedrest situation and have to take things slow, I have so much time on my hand to create. I had to turn a bad situation around and what better way to do so is to devote my time to those who supported me.

Thank you! Submissions start August 18th! I will go in order but if I see you followed me on YouTube I will put your cover ahead. Hope to see you all!

The Horrendous Book Cover CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now