The hooded figure

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??? POV (time setting: the future)
Hi you've probably never heard of me. I don't expect you to know who I am. That's why I where this cloak so no one can know. I'm from the year 3000. In history class we would learn about the fall of the Romans, Greeks, Eygptians, we would also learn about history from the 0 to the 2000's.

When ever my history teacher would talk about these things I was surprised. How evil could people be? How much did countries hate each other? How can history be filled with so much hate and distress?

I began to look at history differently when I heard about world war 2. Even though this happened more then a century ago. I was appalled that all of that had happened because of racist beliefs. Now there's no racism. We read history and learned from it. But I wondered could things have happened differently? If I was to go back in time how much would it effect? Could I stop horrible things from happening with what I knew? There was to much loss in history.  I had to do something.

While other people look towards the future to make things bette. I thought well why not fix the past. Then we wouldn't have to fix their problems. I was tried of knowing that the next genartion always has to clean up the mess of the last. That causes them to make mistakes too and then it happens all over again. Why not go back to make sure that they fix their own problems?

I stand in the jail cell of the future trying to figure out what had I come back to. Is it really a crime to go and fix what we all know was bad. I look outside it's the same future I left behind and yet they throw me in here for fixing the past.

I am determined to figure this out but before I do I'll tell you all I fixed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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