Make A Move

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You and Eddie had been best friends since kindergarten. You often argued about how you two became best friends. You were dead set on the memory of him offering you a piece of candy he swiped from the teacher's desk. He swore that it was when you offered him your juice box during snack time because he didn't have anything. Regardless you two were inseparable since. As you two got older you would relentlessly flirt but it was always platonic. When it first started you two would always end up laughing at the innuendos and stupid compliments you'd throw at each other. But over time they became a part of your everyday conversations, you even looked forward to it. You didn't know if Eddie felt the same way but your once joking flirtatiously lines started to feel more genuine. You started to feel a rage boil inside when you would hear him throw out pickup lines to other girls, the same ones he had used on you. You would never tell him of course, he wasn't your boyfriend.

Little did you know he was in love with you since the day he took that juice box. It was why he was so insistent on that being the day you became best friends. How could he forget the day he met the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He hoped that maybe you liked him, the one or two times he would catch you stealing glances at him you had looked away but he could see a faint blush creeping up your neck. He dismissed it thinking maybe you had just zoned out and were embarrassed that he had caught you. He tried flirting with other girls to see if you would give him a reaction, something to let him know you wanted him but you would always remain neutral; something he wasn't capable of. When he would see you talking to other guys he would interrupt, make his presence known, or make some kind of insulting comment about the guy.

"You know he's a total prick."

"I once saw him trying to get a twelve year old's number"

"He's way too full of himself."

Eddie's comments were sometimes funny when it was a guy who was truly a prick but he never knew when to quit. You had been talking to Adam Thompson about your upcoming English project when Eddie decided to pull his usual shenanigans.

"When is a good time for you to work on this?" You asked walking out of the classroom together. You and Adam often worked together for projects since you were both good students and made better grades when you worked as a team. The assignment required you to make a presentation about symbolism in the novel you were reading. This quarter it was Jane Eyre.

"We can work on it at my place tonight if you want?" Adam offered, "my parents are going to my little brother's basketball game so it'll be quiet." He explained. You were about to agree when you felt an all too familiar arm drape around your shoulders.

"Sorry Thompson she's busy tonight." Eddie smirked causing you to roll your eyes. You shrugged Eddie's arm off your shoulders.

"Actually I am free tonight." You corrected.

"Great," he smiled ignoring Eddie, "I'll come pick you up, does five work?" He asked. You nodded and he walked off looking back at Eddie only to be met with a glare from the metal head. Normally you would let it slide, but you watched him have googly eyes at Margaret Page all of first period.

"What the hell is wrong with you Munson?" You scoffed walking away from him towards your locker. Eddie was used to you telling him he was too much or he was too mean sometimes but you had never actually walked away from him. He didn't like it, but you were nice to watch from behind. He made a mental note of if making himself smirk. The rest of the day you had avoided Eddie, too annoyed to even look at him. You even elected to sit outside with Robin for lunch. She knew how you felt about Eddie and you knew how she felt about Vickie. The two of you often babbled about how Vickie's boyfriend didn't deserve her and how Eddie was a prick for never making a move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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