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BloodPledge. The name alone was enough to make humans and shifters both tremble in fear. The fiercest pack in the world and the most ruthless; they were know to leave a trail of bodies wherever they went. Located in the land of the white sand, Gujarat, in a village called Mouri, they were not people someone wanted to mess with. These men never showed mercy, never left anything but destruction in their wake. And that rule applied to even their pack.

Women were tools for them, good enough only for giving birth to the next warriors. Parents killed their daughters as soon as they were born, and for those who were unfortunate enough to remain alive....they could only wish that death would finally grant them freedom. Because to be a woman in Mouri, was no less than a curse.

But in this place filled with blood and screams, is born a baby girl with hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the oceans. A girl whose birth was the beginning of their destruction and the beginning of a legend.


Finally! This took such a long time to for me to write that I'm quite surprised at myself. And for all my The Female Alpha fans, this is the prequel to that story. Hope you guys like it.

So please like and vote and comment and follow. And Enjoy!

Happy Feminism.


The Chosen Alpha ■Prequel to The Female Alpha■Where stories live. Discover now