Mending Broken Pieces

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Deuce looked down at his icoffin for a while as he and Jackson walked. Jackson had put his hood back up and was trying to keep low. They stood outside the ghouls bathroom, making sure no one was looking "She didn't want to go in the mansters bathroom. She says it stinks." Deuce explained. "It does stink," Jackson started, "and isn't this gonna get us in trouble?" He was a stickler for rules, which Deuce should've saw coming. "If we get caught, yeah, but that won't happen. Let's go." With that, Deuce nearly shoved Jackson in the girls bathroom. Jackson looked around the room, anxiety spiking when he saw Cleo's shoes. (Yes, he was still only looking at the ground.) "a busted lip that looks infected. He doesn't need anything covered, just fixed up." Deuce explained. "How did anyone manage to hold Holt in one place long enough to beat him up?" Cleo asked as she looked at whom she thought was Holt. She had a large box of medical stuff and makeup. She always had to be prepared. Who knows what would happen if she was ever caught out with something like a pimple! "It's a long story, can you just fix him up?" Cleo nodded, grabbing Jackson's hand and rushing him over to the coffin-shaped sofa. They kept it on hand in case a ghoul got dizzy or something like that. "Loose the hoodie. It makes you look like a ruffian." She yanked the hood off, surprised when Jackson was underneath. She was even more surprised when he covered his head with his arms, a worried whimper forcing its way out of the scared manster. "Jackson?!" She exclaimed, confused. "Hey, its okay, dude." Deuce said, quickly going beside Jackson and putting a hand on his shoulder. Jackson flinched a bit at that, but leaned into Deuce's touch. For once in her life, Cleo was left without words. She didn't know what to say to even begin to fix this. "Listen..." she ringed her hair in her slender fingers, "I'll fix your disgustingly broken face no questions asked, but I do need to know what happened to cause this. That's how I'll know how to reduce swelling and stuff like that." Her tone was surprisingly nice. Jackson nor Deuce had ever heard that before. "Punches." Jackson said blankly, trying to work himself back down. "How did a punch bust your lip open?" Deuce asked, now confused. "My Mom was wearing her wedding ring." Jackson looked a bit shocked with himself after he said that, like he didn't want that much information to be spread to Cleo. He looked to Cleo, eyes welling with tears. "You can't tell anyone my Mom did this. You gotta promise that you won't tell anyone!" Cleo didn't like when people cried. It made them look pathetic, so she wanted him to stop. "Fine, I won't tell anyone, but you've got to promise me that if this happens again you'll come to me for help. I want to help." Jackson nodded at that. "Okay..."
Cleo got to work soon after that, Deuce keeping watch. She tried to be patient with Jackson, which surprised even her. She didn't know she could do that. Jackson was trying his best to go with this, but everything seemed to hurt. The cleaning hurt, putting on ointment hurt, everything hurt. "That's my Mummy... my Daddy's special recipe for healing wounds. It should be better in a day or so. No Need to thank me." Cleo's normal tone was back. Jackson looked in the mirrors in front of him. He looked so much better. He felt it, too. "Gee, thanks, Cleo. My lip doesn't hurt nearly as bad." She'd even cleaned his piercing. He sucked at remembering to clean that. "Don't mention it. Now let's get to class before we're late."
The day went as normal as possible after that. Jackson still kept his hood on, but Cleo and Deuce felt a bit better knowing at least he wouldn't get a infection. They knew they needed to keep this a secret. At least it was only a one-off thing, right?

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