lesson one.

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Who am i?

When i was younger, maybe 4 or 3 years ago, even now of days, i would see many post of mental health and well being, you know, depression and all. I thought that at some point  i would maybe experience this feeling, that at some point of life i would have the feeling of sadness and degration. But as those years past by, more post and videos came to me and i was like "oh, why haven't felt this way yet." mind you, this was when i was like 10. And as 1 more birthday went by, and still, i felt nothing. And yeah I'm still young, but my mind and thoughts have always been well beyond my years. But i kept wondering "when will it happen to me," i couldnt wait to feel what others were feeling. It wasn't until i was givin the task to ask myself "who am I" when i realized "why" i couldn't feel such things. I was too focused on the thought of relating to others, and asking myself unnessesary questions, to remember who i was. Even from a young age, i new who i wanted to be, and over years, i've become that person. I've become a daughter of our heavenly father. A daughter with a sacred body and mind from head to toe, a daughter who follows his comandments and in return for all he's done for me, a daughter who keeps faith, gives hope, and much more. Since i was younger I've known who i wanted to become, and with the help of almighty father, I've become that person.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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