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Chapter Forty-Four

Around three years ago, y/n was put on house arrest for fatally injuring two Jonin and assisting four Oto-nin in helping Sasuke defect from the village.

While she did chase him down and proceeded to nearly beat him to death after she fully processed that he'd nearly killed her best friend, y/n was still in trouble when she got back to the village.

At the time, she wasn't all that devastated about it. She was too busy thinking of a spot to burn all the board games that the filthy little dip💩(Sasuke) had his hands on.

The time period was indefinite.
She didn't even complete a day in the end.

Her punishment?

There was none! Tatsuya had supposedly put in a good word for y/n when he first got back to the village before her and the others did. She never got the chance to thank him, the blue oni had quickly departed to go handle some business outside the village.

Sure, y/n couldn't actually leave the village for any missions for a couple of days, but she was free to leave her house whenever she wanted.

Tatsuya's only message to y/n was to refrain from slacking off, and take care of Granny.

As y/n was heading home, many people gave her wary looks. They were worse than when she was younger, probably because of how tall she'd gotten, but hey! It didn't matter!

She was no longer so intent on gaining the approval of a bunch of normies. Who cares if they were scared of her? As long as they weren't messing with her or anyone she cared about, she was chill.

Just... one little thing—


The Crimson Oni was tense as she nervously stood a distance away from the entrance to her childhood home.

She was sweating bullets while Granny, looking older than before, stood before her by the door with an unreadable expression.

"Arataki Y/n..." the woman murmured and y/n flinched, nervous about what was to come.

She squeezed her eyes shut when the woman moved, fearful of what was to come. Y/n knew that humans could change, the smallest things changing their opinions in an instant.

So what would Granny do?

Hit her?

Yell at her?

Kick her out?

She wanted to believe that Granny would never hurt her, but that small and fearful part of her which always seemed to be there wasn't too sure about it.

Y/n had trusted very few others before she met the old woman, and all but one had proved to be untrustworthy in the end.

Would Granny be yet another person to betray her trust? Someone else to add to her future hit list?

Y/n was surprised and relieved at the same time when the old lady embraced her, letting out a shaky sigh, "Thank goodness, child, you've returned safely."

The crimson oni's look of surprise shifted into a goofy little smile, "Hehe, I'm glad to see you again, Granny! I've gotten real tall, see?"

"I see, my dear! Tatsuya's been taking good care of you then." Granny chuckled, "And oh my, look at those muscles."

Y/n pouted, "I still don't like him."

"He's a little grumpy, yes, but you'll learn to appreciate him." Granny reassured her before patting her arm, "Come now. I made dinner! We have some guests over, so please do behave."

𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐲 ✘ 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 [I forgot about this 💀]Where stories live. Discover now