Who Are You?

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I stare into the glaring eyes of 6 strange men standing in my room.
I tremble inexorably in my seat. Their eyes portray no sign of compassion or decency. The eyes glaring at me are hungry. They're eyes that hunger for torture and lust for murder.

I silently pray that the ground would open up, and lure me into it's protective haven.... Well protective, dirty haven full of dirt and decomposing carcasses. I would choose to lie amongst dead remains any day over being here, in this situation.

I wonder how I wound up here, in this situation.
I counted and recounted the facts in my brain:
1) I am a nurse at West Side Hospital (and a damn good one too)

2) I am currently the nurse of Harry Walden, son of the chief Sir Walter Walden of England.

3) I have all the patient information on Harry that I am legally prohibited to disclose to anyone that is not his legal guardian (according to the HIPAA law -Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

4) The enemies of Sir Walter Walden are trying any tactics they have up their sleeves to retrieve the classified information on Harry- Sir Walter's son

Oh, ok, yes, that pretty much explains everything.

My thoughts are interrupted by the words of a tall, slender man who seems to be the leader of all the other men, the supervisor, the one who gives orders.

"Dr. Katie Feliks, we've come a long way to your house to find you."

The supervisor's voice is deep and monotonous, it reminds me of the kind of voice they used for voice overs in advertisements.

He looks me up and down as he speaks.
"You'll find that if you're cooperative with answering our questions and fulfilling our demands you'll be let go. You'll be a free woman.
If you choose to do this the hard way however, I'll have no compunctions going through whatever means necessary to get what I want. Am I in any way unclear Dr. Feliks?"

No. That was very clear. I thank you for explaining it all to me...
I mean, what does he want me to say?
What's even worse, his fair features make the mercilessness of his tone, unnerving, considering the fact that if he wasn't so undeniably evil, he'd probably pass for normal person.

He patiently waits for some sort of acknowledgement from me that I'd heard a word he'd said. His unrelenting, bloodthirsty stare bore into my soul making it very difficult to slow my rapid heartbeat that is causing telltale tremors to ripple through my body.
I had already decided on a very detailed and intricate course of action on how I was going to deal with this entire situation.
It's a one step plan which is to do nothing and say nothing.
Which as far as plans go... it could've been worse.

"Dr. Feliks?" The supervisor calls.
"I am asking you to give to me some sort of sign of affirmation- just a nod or a wink- anything that tells me that you understand my terms and that I am not just speaking to the surrounding walls."

This is definitely a test. If I respond to this, the questions will get worse and worse.
I repeat the following rules over and over in my head:
Do not respond. Do not engage. Do not blink. Do not show signs of weakness.

The leader must be frustrated by my lack of compliance, but his blank expression betrays zero emotions. His face maintains a facade of unmitigated apathy.

I avoid eye contact as he speaks up again.
Looking directly at me he says,

"You work at West Side Hospital, correct?"

He doesn't wait for a response.

"Where does the hospital keep the file that contains Harry Walden's patient information?"

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