Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my very first published story. I'm very sorry if you'll see some errors. So bare with me. I don't mind if some of you will comment some stuffs about me not being a good writer or something. That could help me in some ways. So yeah, hope you enjoy this story! xoxo
Chapter 1

Hailey's POV

"Ain't it fun. Living in the real world" I played the drums as Paramore's Ain't it fun blasts off the speakers on my phone.


I grunted. I was almost halfway through finishing my cover and mom has to interrupt. Great.

"I'm here mom!" I shouted back. I decided to stop for a while since my arms are a bit tired from all that stuff.

"Honey?" My mom peaked from the door, holding a laundry basket.

"Yeah?" I picked my water bottle at my side and drank from it.

"It's 12:35 pm and you're still here playing your drums?" She told me with a concerned look on her face. "You didn't even have your breakfast yet."

Oops. I forgot to eat. I was to busy recording an audition video.

"How could I get in if I don't practice mom? You know that I really want to get this part. I've been dreaming of this since I was 10." I told her while I put my pair of drumsticks in the drawer.

"I know, sweetie. But at least put some food in your stomach. Look at you, you're getting smaller since you started practicing for this."

I looked at myself in the huge mirror on the wall. Yep. I really look small since I started this. But who cares. I needed to sacrifice some things to get this part.

"I will mom." I put a smile to ease her up.

"I hope you do." She smiled back at me.

She was about to go upstairs but she went back and said, "And oh, Faith called a while ago. She said that she would be coming over in about 10 minutes."

Facepalm. I almost forgot that me and my best friend Faith are going to the mall right know.

"Okay. Thanks mom!"

She nodded and went back upstairs. I grabbed my phone and saw a new message from Tristan. I opened it up.

Hey little sis! Just to remind you, I'll be arriving there in New York at midnight. I miss you all already. See you soon! And oh, say hi to mom and dad for me. Love ya lots! xo

I smiled. Tristan is my big brother. He is an engineer and has been working at England for 2 years. And as you can see, he's coming to New York to visit us.

I texted him back with an okay and an I love you too.

I went to the couch and turn on the flatscreen TV. Well, you can say that we're rich. My dad upgraded this basement into my own studio and my own entertainment room.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up to see Tristan's reply.


And I almost forgot. Since tomorrow's your special day, I bought you something that would make you super happy. Like really. You will be so thankful that you have a handsome, funny, and an amazing brother like me. Gotta go, the plane is about to take off. See ya! xoxo

Here goes his ego again. I can say that he's good looking but he has this ego as twice as the size of the earth. But I still love my brother.
I read the message again because I missed some parts. Something that would make me super happy, eh? Let's see about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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