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{Unknown's POV}

Walking up to the door I hesitated before knocking; not being completely confident with what I was about to do. "I've been expecting you," the girl said well not girl, young women who had everyone thinking she couldn't hurt a fly. I did too at first till her and the other two started demanding money then I saw what she was really like.

"Can I come in? I have something to ask you," I easily lied through my teeth. I didn't have something to ask her I had something to do to her.

She stepped aside letting me into her flat, after she shut the door behind my I knew there was no turning back now "Do you want tea or coffee" she asked in that sweet innocent voice of hers.

"Tea Thanks," I replied absent minded, gazing around her kitchen looking for the perfect weapon. Then I saw it lying on the counter.

"So, about our deal will you pay? Because you know what happens if you don't," a smug look on her face

"I don't think I can get the money $100,000 is a lot of money, don't you think you can reduce the cost?" I pretended to bargain I wasn't paying a cent.

"No. $100,000 in the bank account by Monday or else the whole world will know" she turned back around and continued to make tea. This. This was it.

"Can I have sugar?" I asked buying time, I quickly putting on my gloves and quietly moving over to the bench picking up the knife. Sneaking up behind her I lined up the knife with where her heart was, but as I was was about to plunge the knife into her back she turned around.

"Hey! What are you doin-"she hadn't finished her sentence before, without thinking, I stabbed  the knife into her chest hopping I hit a vital organ. Her body fell to the ground life less and limp. Blood started pooling around the stab wound but I ignored that adrenaline running through my veins. I quickly exited the flat and hopped into my car.

Once in my car I realised what I had done. I had killed someone not only that but that someone had only just turned 23. Rubbing my face I reassured myself that it was for my family she and her two friends were going to ruin their future. But if they found out what would they say? What would he tell them? That I was a coward? Sighing I started the car and drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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