Chapter 1

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Lappland was leaning on a railing looking out over the water from atop the nomadic city.
"Oh Texas....Why did you leave me, I'm going to find you some day"
It was a cloudy and gloomy day as Usual Lappland would be lucky to see any sun over Siracusa more than 5 days a year.
But this type of weather was her faveorite anyway so it doesn't bother her.
Things had changed after lappland got Oripathy, it's a shock she is even able to roam freely in Siracusa without anyone bothering her.

That day is stuck in her head, and Lappland knew it was mostly her fault, Texas had left her because the originium had affected her so much and one day while the two were out dealing with 'business' Lappland lost control and Texas had to fight her.
"Lappland Stop! PLEASE!"

"I can't, they have to die for what they did to my family and now that the boss is here we need to finish this"

"I know that or i wouldn't have helped you! But we need to talk to the boss first!"
But it was too late, Texas was forced to watch on in horror as Lappland slaughtered the group of Mafia members in front of her it was a horrific sight, arms and legs were hitting the ground, along with a few heads.

By the time Lappland was done the group of enemies that was once there were no longer recognizable as people because now they are just limbs and guts sitting in pools of blood.

"See Texas? That wasn't so
bad it didn't take too long"

Lappland let out a sigh and recalled how they fought after they killed the mafia boss, and how she beat Texas badly but not without a mark, The Scar on her eye.

"I-I don't even Know who you are anymore...I'm sorry but I have to go"

"W-Will I see you again?"
Lappland Was covering her left eye cause Texas had got her eye pretty good, but other than that she was....mostly okay besides the fact that her life just fell apart, Lappland reached out for Texas

"I'm sorry Lappy...." and those were the last words she would ever hear Texas say cause she was already limping away from the horrific scene.

"Why...why did you have to use the nickname you gave me when you left...."
Lappland wiped a tear from her eye.
" crying? Oh Texas do you see what you have done to me?"

Lappland suddenly felt a hand grab her tail and she immediately turned around, drew her sword and pointed it at the throat of the person who grabbed it
Lappland put her sword away.

"Geez Lappland your so....Agressive these days"
Ptilopsis noticed Lappland's ears lower when she said that.

"I know....and that's why I'm so alone in this City"
Lappland turned back to lean on the railing to keep looking out at the water, Ptilopsis joined her.
"Lappy are you okay?"

"Please don't call me that, brings back bad memories....Of her"

Ptilopsis realized why Lappland was so down.
"Wait Lappland....are you so down because your thinking of her?"

Lappland looked at Ptilopsis
"It never stops, I'm always thinking about her every miserable day I live on, sometimes I just want to die"

"L-Lappland! Don't you dare tell me you have Suicidal thoughts!"

Lappland looked down at the ground in shame.
"I do"

"Tell me Lappland, what will killing yourself solve? How do you think Texas would feel if she learns you killed yourself because of her?" Ptilopsis said.

Lapplands Journey: An Arknights FanficWhere stories live. Discover now