Part 1

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English is not my mother tongue so please be understanding with me.... thankies :) 

Ok when do you want this delivered?

Tomorrow? Ok. Can you send me the coordinates?

Sure I'll take the job, consider it done. I closed the communication line and set my ship's trajectory to the given coordinates. Kind of weird, considering that the coordinates were actually for a deserted planet. Used to be some kind of facility for war criminals, but they somehow escaped. It was great for the business but not that great for the rest of the world. I got close to the star which was actually close to my initial location and prepared myself to descend.

I left my ship above orbit and teleported outside some sort of building. It was a facility but this one didn't seem abandoned, it seemed like it was fully functional. Mannnn , where did this guy send me?

I pulled out the sketch which I received before teleporting and started to look for a way in. Unfortunately it was guarded but the guard kept changing every couple of minutes so I had exactly 2 minutes and 30 second to get into the air vent on the east side of the building until the next guards would come. This was not on my liking so every 20 minutes I had a 2 minutes 30 second window to move closer without being spotted and crawling through start dust believe me it's not like sand it's more like fine glass, and with the wrong equipment you are dead. So it took me a few good hours and it was almost evening when I managed to get it. No alarms were triggered so I crawled through the vent which luckily was big enough for me to move. I pulled again the sketch and it leaded me to some sort of lab. So yeah , get in the lab take the serum get back out crawl for a few hours or shoot everyone and get home and get paid. Ok, plan in place, we execute and leave.

As I was about to go remove the grill from the vent in the lab I heard some men talking and saw that there were 3 of them

- He is too dangerous I say we terminate his program. He is a liability and we cannot risk him waking up on us. We don't know what he is capable of. We need to erase him and destroy the evidence

- Do you think he's that dangerous? I am sure we can contain him if it comes to that. The bald man replied.

- There cannot be an android with a human brain and conscious, it's dangerous to jump start him at this point. We need to destroy it. It will be a failed experiment.

- OK let's take a break and discuss this, anyone for a coffee?

- Sure let's come back to this after.

As they left I removed the grill and slid from the ceiling into the lab. I located the serum in a nearby fridge and went to get it. As I moved around the tables I saw I file: Classified project JJ, whatever that was. I was not going to look at I, it was not my business. I just got one job to do and get home. Unfortunately my curiosity got the best of me and I peeked into the file. I couldn't understand most of it but it seemed like some sort of war machine in a human slash android body sort of thing with a mind of it's own. Okkkkkk not getting involved here. I put the file back and I went to take the serum and put it in my bag.

But when i was about to leave I saw that project JJ or however he was called was in a some sort of cloning tube receiving oxygen and with a lot of tubes going into his body, lots of wires. He had a weird like power core in the middle of his chest but was covered by a skin layer so it wasn't that visible. I thought a bit about the conversation they scientists had and i didn't know a thing about droids, so I hoped i wouldn't get killed in the process

So i took out one of the laser guns i had on me an shot at the base of the tube. The alarms went of and the glass cracked and all the liquid started pooling out of it. I grabbed him and boy he was heavy, managed to get all the wires out but he was unresponsive. Just my luck, a dead android and i was getting killed tonight. Good job girl, why couldn't you just leave things as they were. As i was scolding myself i tried to do some cpr, maybe all that liquid was flooding his lungs or whatever he had in him and if it was out maybe he could wake up.

My luck was cut short as i heard footsteps from the hallway. I left him and grabbed whatever cabinet i could find and barricade the door to buy myself some time. I figured I could blow this whole place up and just be done with it. The banging on the door became louder and the cabinets started to move. Screw this i am out, i thought out loud and turned to leave but he was up, standing in front of me. His eyes were lifeless and he wasn't moving so i froze.

I couldn't dare to make a step because he was watching me like he wanted to straight up kill me tear me to pieces and who knows what else. So i was trapped between an android and the guards of this facility soooo yeah I was monumentally screwed.

-Ok, buddy. i am not going to hurt you, see? I put my hands up hoping it would not think i was a threat. he came closer and i held my breath. he was way taller than me, olive skin and Asian features. He looked like someone wanted to perfect him in all ways cause his body was flawless except for the tubes that left holes all over the places. i took a step back, very slowly but i didn't have anywhere to go anymore. Look, i said to him, i can get you out of here, ok? but you have to listen, i don't know if you can understand me, but we need to leave, or we're dead. you understand?

He titled his head to the side like he was trying to process the words but didn't move. The doors burst open and i turned around. There was no way in hell i was dying here today so i took out the guns ready to shoot but I felt something grabbing by the jacket and threw me behind and some sort of shockwave was released but not sure from where. I hit the floor hard and it took me a minute to register what happened. I got up and he was still facing the exit door. All the guards were dead, blood everywhere, body parts scattered. It was unpleasant sight.

I got closer to him but didn't touch him. He turned around and stared at me again.

- Do you want to leave with me? I asked

- Leave....with... me... he replied

- Yes, leave, go, escape. I gestured frantically to the vent.  

- We .....leave. He suddenly said and looked up. There was a high ceiling which I knew it was connected directly to the outside because the lower floors were impenetrable. So how did he end up here?

- Whoa dude, we can't go through the ceiling it's solid concrete. There's no way we could....

But before I could finished he grabbed my hand, pulled me close bent his knees and did a superman like jump. And above that he was like naked, naked. Like how his mama made him, naked. His free hand went through the ceiling like knife through butter and the moment we got outside the facility my teleportation device on my belt started to work again so I pressed I teleported us back to the ship. It was a sudden teleportation so we actually fell on the main deck. That hurt. I was smart enough to take his file before him killing all the guards but I had no idea what to do with him now. Yeah I knew, I had to get him clothes cause damnnn he had everything a human has and it was distracting as hell. Now how do you get a droid to wear clothes? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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