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Ever since I was a small girl, I have been quite naive. I could easily trust people, although I have been through many things already. Been through a depression where I cut myself too many times. Been through problems in relationships. Been through many fights with my mom and dad.

I've been through a lot.

As I said, I have been naive a lot. I trusted the wrong people and let them in. They came way too close in my personal space and I simply got stuck in a rollercoaster. I guess it turned out to be my comfort zone, this rollercoaster, because I think that I will never get out of this thing. Rollercoasters should be fun, right? So does life. But they both are not quite fun.

By trusting the wrong people, I mean boyfriends, friends, even people I have known for my whole life. Even this one person. The person who turned out to become a stalker, for about 2 years of my life.

And how it's going now? 4 years after the first things happened? I guess that I tried to close the book, but how can you stop reading when the story hasn't ended yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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