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'Knock knock.'

"Hey, can I come in? I'm coming in."

Felix stirred. Mumbling incoherently as his boyfriend walks in.

"Were you out all day?" Vincent asked, concerned.

"Uh, what time is it?" Felix asked.

"Like 6pm dude! I got pizza, eat it before it gets cold."

"I'm still sleepy." Felix whines.

"You sure you're not over-sleeping?" Vincent asks.

"And," Felix sighs, ignoring the question. "I'm also not hungry."

"But you still gotta eat!" Vincent insists in a raised voice.

Felix sighs and gets out of bed. "Fine, I'll take a slice. Would you like me to make you some hot choco too?" He asks, petting Vincent's head.

Vincent crossed his arms. "No."

Felix shrugged. "Alright, suit yourself."

Vincent takes a deep breath before following Felix into the kitchen.


Felix grabbed a small slice of pizza; He wasn't really hungry, he just wanted to sleep more...

Sleep it off.

But he knew Vincent wouldn't leave him alone until he ate so...

He took a bite.

He understands why Vincent is so worried, but he shouldn't be. Felix can and always have taken care of himself.

"Felix?" Vincent asks.

Felix looks over at him.

"Are you..." He hesitates. "Is it getting bad again?"

Felix shakes his head, showing no emotion. "No, I'm fine."

They didn't say anything else that night. They just don't talk about that kind of thing.


Vincent talked to Adrian and Kevin about what happened, he wants to help Felix like he's always helped him. But Felix is different than Vincent, and Vincent doesn't really know how to express himself like that around him.

Kevin suggested they try and communicate better, and that's something they're genuinely working on. Felix and him talked about it and agreed to work on it more.

Which they have been...

Kind of.

Felix has been trying too. Constantly thanking Vincent when he makes an effort, accepting comfort anytime it's offered, but sometimes it seemed more awkward than even before. Like Felix was still the one helping Vincent instead of the other way around. Why couldn't they get it right?

Adrian wasn't really helpful either-

He doesn't even want to think about what he suggested.

Felix is still acting weird.
Sleeping too much,
Not eating enough,
Talks less than normal- and he's not even playing video games or drawing the way he used to.

He's just...existing.

There has to be something else they can try- something to help him relax and feel more comfortable.

Things weren't always this bad for Felix. He was happy when he was a kid- well, dysphoria was always an issue, and the parent problem was always there. But he was happy around Vincent.

If only they could relive that. Go back to the time before their parents separated them from each other, before things got so bad for Felix.

But there's no way to do that.


Vincent spent days looking for something- anything that could really help until he found it...

Age regression.

It wasn't a lot of work or dedication,
Anyone can do it,
It can also be used to help with trauma... maybe it was worth a shot.

But how does he get Felix to agree to try it?

Worth a tryWhere stories live. Discover now