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How do they do it, live in a world so plain, so tamed? A routine created to keep the living from living. I mean the majority of people follow a code. Code of law. Rules put into our society to make us believe we are more then slaves. But slaves we are and have always been. Our own government is secretly creating a new world, full of order, full of destruction, full of death. But like I said people don't know all this, if this wasn't wrote by my own hands, I'd think of one thing, a crazed lunatic looking for minor attention from some desperate soul who is willing to believe any fact brought up with no substantial amount of evidence to back it up.

I wish I could say what you see as the correct appropriate way of going about your life was in fact authentic. But let's say for the sake of conversation it is, are you happy with your perpetual course of life style? For you, life is the same agonising routine everyday but for me, well let's just say the significant amount of similarities make us the same. That being said, our initial intentions are different. You live for freedom just like a slave captured by a higher ruler. I fight for freedom; rebel against the rules of society, live in the shadows where I'm unseen, cloaked by their own creations. Ironic how the circumstances for our enslavement, is the only valid reason for why we exist, The Shaded Couriers. A organisation, who's only intention is the freedom of mankind, never heard of us? Well, you will do....

Most will just label us as the criminals of this society, modern outlaws roaming in only sight of destruction. Decide for yourself what we are but I'll be the one to tell you what we do, what we've done for local hostiles who never even think twice of the lives they live. See we are here to stop the government from enslaving humanity into this endless lifestyle. Most people, the ordinary kind just except their new environment and adapt in the hope it will one day free them. Us? We question it, refuse to except that we adapt for the benefit of civilisation. If that's what you call an outlaw, then I guess we are. Outlaws of a broken society full of sin. Greed, one of the seven deadliest sins has taken it's told on my city. Secret underground corporations run below radar with the only desire of wealth for contentment.

Over the past through years we have collected substantial evidence of these corporations and their intentions; eradicating all evidence of us ever been alive, we are still cloaked in every shadow watching the world go into deep shock over disasters, created by our fraudulent leaders, in order to keep us away from the real threat: An organisation known only as Tudor club. Only few have seen any confirmation of the Tudor club but it's there. It always has. Since the beginning of time itself, the strong took arms to form an alliance against the weak, but the weak was high in numbers and was able to defeat the alliance, from that day, their tactics changed. Mind control was the way to defeat the weak, as In this day social media controls us: What we wear, what we eat, how we move. They have us just in the right spot. They're winning so far.

When I was little before my eyes were awakened, I dreamed of what I was intended to imagine, I wanted to be the stereotypical young boys dream of becoming an astronaught. The idea of space astounded me. I always wanted to know what was in the darkness, ironic how now it's me. As a child the thoughts and feelings I had were spontaneous and mutual in a respect, now I'm full of despair and hatred against the world. I wish I could escape to space where it seems so peaceful, but if I've learnt anything it's that peace is soon followed with chaos and a book is never how it seems. Changing perspective is changing life. For better;for worse, all I know is my innocent child hood has been suffocated and consumed by regret and coldness.

I never asked for this, a life on the run. I never had to choose a pill to decide whether or not I could wake up from the virtual reality we all live in. I wasn't given a choice. On my fifth birthday I was so excited to wake up, witness the balloons floating up in my living room, the happy birthday sign hung on the door and the windows with "5 today" printed along them, signs with little symbols to indicated a birthday. Perhaps a little drawn on present, some balloons, a big birthday cake or maybe even just some big fives. The night before I couldn't sleep from the excitement. I even dreamed of waking up to find presents neatly placed along a line in front of the settee. The memory of my mother is distant now, fading, but one thing I know for certain. She was organised. Looking back I think she had a severe case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) The house always had to be clean, spotless, I wasn't allowed to go outside and play for it was to dirty, full of disease which she doesn't appreciate roaming her house.

Anyway, when I woke up that faithful morning, I was disheartened to find, the house as ordinary as yesterday morn. My mum said" come on dear, will go collect your present now" she seemed excited, more excited then me who anxiously waited at the back to see if she had just forgotten and quickly rushing to the shop now to get the first toy she finds. Every time my mum spoke that day as we drove for endless miles on end, she sounded more high pitched and pleasant. This got me revved up, and eager to see why we had been driving. I closed my eyes for half the journey into a restless sleep full of cupcakes and cookies, I assumed from this I was craving some sweets.

I was awoken by a voice unfamiliar but still recognisable. It was my mother who softly whispered in my ear " come on, we are here" I leaped out of my seat with excitement as I yelped out "yay". Getting out the car, I noticed a dying tree, that was all, I was mortified how they could just care for this tree, then in an instant let it go. My mum started to get abit pushy then like she couldn't wait for me to slowly toddle my way over. I felt her grip tighten as she ragged me across the parking lot to the doors.

The memory is distant from here onwards, I can remember, mumbled words, that still echo around the inside of my subconscious mind and the sight of my mother walking away leaving me at that place. She never even glanced back to look at me. I was left stranded to die, just like the tree which starved outside the isolated walls of my "new personnel paradise"or so I was told.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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