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My eyes lingered on Charlotte for only a quick moment. I did not want to get caught staring. It seemed as she was the only one in the crowded venue. The band that was currently playing, which I did not know who it possibly could be, was louder than ever. Charlotte was a close friend of mine. We met our sophomore year in high school. We were both so young then. It has been four years since then. She was the only one who seemed to stay in contact past high school. She was so god damn beautiful. I was so caught up in my thoughts that i did not realize that the band that was just playing set was up. Charlotte rushed up to me, sweaty and panting. "They were so good, Luna!" she rushed out. I chuckled, and nodded my head in agreement. Charlotte brought me out to the concert with her so she would not be alone. I had to agree though, these bands were pretty rad. The final band brought their equipment onto stage and was about to begin their set. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the mosh pit that was beginning to form. I had never been in a mosh pit before. The electricity I felt when Charlotte's petite hand grasped mine firmly shook me to the bones. Just as the band, whose name I've also never took the time to remember, began playing. Everything got wild. People were throwing punches from left to right. I had to dodge each and every one. However, I was unable to. They were rough, but it did not bother me. I began to do what everyone else was doing. I jumped around crazily. I glanced over to see that Charlotte was mimicking my actions as well. She looked so cute. I never told her that i was bisexual. In fact, no one knows. I have never felt any affection for another woman other than Charlotte. For the rest of the night we bought alcohol, drank, and moshed. When the concert was over both me and Charlotte were piss drunk. My hands wondered to her as I was trying to support my body. "That was hella good!" I slurred. "Hell yeah!" She smiled. Her smile was so enticing. We had a taxi called for us before we went to the concert because we knew we were going to start drinking. As we exited the venue, our taxi pulled up. I was still somewhat coherent and pulled a wasted Charlotte into the cab. I buckled her in, and myself. "You ladies look like you had a rough night." the taxi driver stated. I looked up to him and giggled, while softly hiccuping. "Yes, sir! First time in a mosh pit. It was great!" I noted, trying to fix my lions mane of hair. The driver nodded in agreement and began to drive. Charlotte was blankly looking out the car window until she mumbled. "What was that?" I questioned her quizzically. Everything was starting to become a blur to me as the alcohol ravaged my system. She quietly, but sloppily unbuckled her seat belt, sending me a quick hush, and scooted closer to me. My heart began to race. She began to nuzzle her head into the crook of my neck. I hope she did not hear my heart beating so fast. I could not fight these feelings i had for her anymore. I began to thank God when I saw the familiar street that my house was on. She stayed where she was until we pulled up into my apartment complex. Our cab was prepaid so we just thanked him and got out of the car. I stumbled to apartment number thirteen. Charlotte was slowly following me. She kept tripping and then giggling about it. She was extremely light weight. I fumbled in my purse for my key. When i found it it took me another minute to unlock the door. When we entered my home, Charlotte made herself comfortable on my couch. I crashed right along side of her, feeling the room spin. "Hey Luna?" She mumbled. Charlotte's eyes were closed shut and she was absentmindedly playing with her long, blonde hair. "Hmm?" I questioned, opening my eyes. The room was still spinning and her face was distorted. "You're cute." She stated, giggling. I could not grasp the fact that she called me cute. "No I am not." I disagreed. My body felt extremely warm. Unexpectedly, Charlotte shot up and ran into my bedroom. She luckily dodged the coffee table by half an inch. I got up and chased after her. We both flung ourselves onto my bed. I was laying on my back and she was laying on her side next to me. Without a second thought, I rolled over and faced her. I could feel her warm, hot breath on my face. It smelled like mint. "Hey." I said, blushing. Luckily, she did not notice the heat rising to my cheeks. "Hi." She chuckled. She closed her eyes. My eyes wondered to her perfect breasts. They were 34 D's. The same as mine. Slowly, my eyes began to rise up to her neck, then her chin, and then stopping at her perfect lips. They were plump and full. I just wanted to kiss her so bad. My body was craving to touch her. To hold her. I do not know if it was the alcohol in my body speaking. It must have been a good few minutes of me absentmindedly staring at her because her eye lids fluttered open, revealing her hazel eyes. "What are you staring at?" She questioned, looking me in the face. A playful smile was on her lips. I blurted out without realizing it, "Your lips." She gave me a quizzical look. Finally, she looked down at my lips and leaned in. Charlotte's perfect lips connected with mine. She ran her hand slowly to my face, cupping my cheek in her small hand. My lips felt like they were on fire. That fire was spreading like crazy all over my body sending shivers everywhere. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, but in reality it was only a few seconds. When she pulled away, I was breathless and astonished she kissed me. She rolled over, turned off the light, and promptly fell asleep. I could not sleep that night, with my drunken thoughts of her and I rushing through my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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