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The heavy downpour and thunderous sky outside did very little justice to Ann's dangerously freezing heart. A deep, wistful sigh crossed her lips. She peered outside the window, taking in the dark sky, the big dark sorrowful gray clouds echoing a story of their own.

It had been about 5 hours long, Ann thought. Was that it ? 5 hours ? Or had it been more ? Ann couldn't wrap her head around the obscene course of events that had been taking place since the morning. First, the sudden too-soon scheduling of a meeting and now she was all alone in their home, sitting by the windowsill with her chin on her knees. Had it really been that important ? Too important for Judwick and too insignificant for Antoinette ? Why wouldn't he let her know anything ? Why would he refuse ? She felt her head swimming with unanswered questions that weighed her down with each passing minute. "No ", she heard herself say. She wouldn't let her insecurities get the best of her, she told herself. She shouldn't. Overthinking really stressed the fuck out of her at times like these.

She got up with a new thought, with the minute possibility of Judy picking up her call. It had been 5 long hours, or God alone knew, how much more. There was only so much she could bear. But all of her 15 calls had gone straight to voicemail. He couldn't even spare her a text ? Deciding to get her mind off things, Ann got up from the couch and brought out her laptop. Placing it on her lap, she started typing the rough manuscript out. She was yet to check the 5 drafts sitting in her email .

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