Chapter 1: What To Get The Girl You Like

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"Hey, Anya. Isn't it your birthday this Wednesday?" Becky questions her friend, Anya.

"Mhm! Anya is getting old!" Anya replies, excited about her birthday.

"Old? Anya, 8 years old isn't old! What are you talking about?" Becky chuckles because of how Anya portrays the word "old".

Damian, who was with his friends, overhears their conversation and promptly goes up to them purely to make fun of her.

"You're going to grow wrinkly, Stubby Legs!" Damian replied, "Your plebian butt is gonna be all ugly and you'll look like a prune!"

"A p-prune!" A petrified Anya replies.

"Hah! Good one, boss-man!" Emile replied, chuckling at Damian's stupid joke.

"Oh shut up!" Becky angrily replies. "Don't mind them, Anya. You're still gonna be all cute, even when you're 80 years old!"

*That doesn't help at all, Becky!* Anya thought.

"No, she's going to be ugly! Like the true plebian she is!" Ewen proceeds to jump in on the fun.

"Gosh darn it, shut up, already! It's not funny!" Becky yells.

"Well it is to us!" Emile replied. "Ain't that right, boss-man?

"Y-Yeah...funny..." Damian nervously chuckles.

While laughing at Ewen's crude joke, Damian turns to look at Anya, the fluffy pink haired, fair skinned, and green-eyed esper has always pulled the heartstrings of the Desmond's second son since she punched him in the face in their first meeting.

*Birthday, huh?*

For a split second, Anya looks to Damian's way, making eye contact. It caused Damian to snap back to reality.

*Whatever! Birthdays are overrated. Why should I even bother? Especially with Shrimpy over here. She can go and trip and fall face flat on a cake!* Damian thought, wanting to get rid of the idea.

"F-Face flat!?* Anya thought, horrified by the thoughts of Damian.

"Alright, class. Time to take your seats." The teacher replied, effectively ending their conversation.

Damian and his goons go back to their respective seats while Damian could only think of the word 'birthday'.



At night inside the Eden Dorm, Damian thinks of May 19, the date of Anya's birthday while lying in bed and then proceeds to snap back to reality realizing what he was just thinking.

*Why do I even freaking care!?* Damian thought to himself.
*It's her business not mine for the love of god!*

Damian then proceeds to think of Anya in the typical shoujo filter form of their encounter earlier in the day.

*What is it with her!? Those eyes, those damn ugly eyes!*

Ewen who just woke up, turned to Damian to ask him if he was okay.

"B-boss-man..." Ewen whispers. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes. I'm fine..." Damian reassures him. *No Ewen, I'm not fine! I need to deal with that idiot in my mind right now! Why the hell can't I sleep!?*

Damian stayed up until 1AM.


It's lunch time at Eden, and Anya is sitting on a table with her best friend, Becky while eating omurice. You know, the usual.

After finishing her meal, Anya decides to go to the bathroom and do her business.

"Anya is gonna go to the bathroom!"

"Hm? Sure, Anya. I can wait here." Becky replies,

"Bathroom! Bathroom! I'm going to the Bathroom!" Anya exclaims as she's going to the toilet.

"Heh, never change Anya." Becky says, amused by her friend's actions.

In comes Damian, who goes up to Becky, to ask her a very important question.

"H-Hey, Blackbell..."

"Huh? What the hell do you want?" Says Becky, obviously not wanting his business.

"Why the heck are you mad!? I just got a question to ask!"

"Sure, Mr. Second Son. Go ahead..."

"A-Anyways. Regarding Stubby Legs. Is there anything she is fond of?" Damian asks, obviously embarrased.

"Wait, do you wanna buy Anya a birthday present and you're asking help from me?" Becky lights up. "Oh my god, that's so romantic of you, Desmond!"

"Sh-shut up, okay? I'm just asking you a darn question. Don't sugarcoat it!"

"Hm, okay!" Becky jokingly replies, in awe of Damian's affection towards her best friend.

"Look, Becks. I'm only asking you because you're her best friend. I figured if I asked you I'd get some sort of idea of what to get her."

"Well Desmond, If there's anything Anya likes in this world besides peanuts, it's stuffed animals!" Becky exclaims. "Stuffed animals are Anya's second favourite thing in the world."

"W-Wouldn't she prefer something like peanuts covered in chocolate?" Damian questions.

"Seems like you got a bad taste in gifts, Desmond." Becky replies, chuckling at her joke.

"Shut up, okay!? I've never given something to a girl before. What they like is a darn mystery."

"Just get her a stuffed animal. Nothing fancy or expensive. Just that. She will definitely like it. Best place to get that is at the carnival." Becky assures him. "I'm already getting Martha to buy Anya the best peanuts in all of Ostania."

"What the hell happened to not getting her fancy and expensive gifts!?"

During the conversation, Anya comes back from her business to find Becky and Damian having a chat.

"Ah, Sy-on boy!" Anya happily greets, "What are you doing here?"

Damian was suddenly scared that Anya came out of nowhere, now that she's making eye contact with her, it got worse.

"N-Nothing! It's none of your business, shrimp-head!" Damian replies, *A stuffed animal? Give me a break!*

Damian proceeds to leave and goes back to his table, obviously blushing from Anya's presence.

"Becky, what were you two talking about?" Anya questions.

"Oh, Anya. You wouldn't know..." Becky playfully chuckles.

As Damian goes back to his table where Emile and Ewen were sitting, still thinking about their encounter which happened minutes ago.

"Boss-man, are you alright? You look like you got a fever." A concerned Emile replies.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine..."


*Stuffed animal, huh?* Damian thinks to himself, thinking of what Becky told him.

He later calls his personal driver to pick him up.

"Good afternoon, Young Master." Damian's butler arrives to pick him up. "Is there a specific location you want to go to?"

"The carnival, Alfred." Damian replies.


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