Chapter 1

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TOur story starts in Gatlin, Nebraska. Well, what was left of it anyway. The town had burnt down, no one knew the cause of it. All anyone could see was the smoke and flames. No one dared to go and help the town, they knew who the town worshipped, and they wanted nothing to do with it. They thought it was best that the town was gone. They dont know what happened to all the kids that were there, to be honest, they didnt care. The field was nothing but completely burnt cornstalks. The lower half of the barn was the only thing left of it. The houses were burnt completely to the ground. Nothing was left fully standing. Those who drove through to get to the next town dont understand how the entire town was burnt. No one knew where the fire started. None of the kids were seen in the town so everyone assumed everyone was dead.

Little did anyone know, two kids managed to make it out alive. They were severely burnt but they were still alive. If anyone wanted any of the kids dead it would have been the two that survived. The leader of the town, Isaac Chroner, had burns all over his arms, legs, and back. The second-in-command, Malachi Boardman, had more severe burns. Malachis burns were all over his body including on his face. The two kids took care of each other, after getting their wounds cared for they built a graveyard behind what was left of the church. They got the bodies of the children and buried them. They fenced in the cemetery, looking out over the graves of their fallen family. In the middle of the first row was a space, big enough to have fit their graves. For the first time, Malachi cried in front of Isaac. Isaac didnt know what to do so he just hugged Malachi, who hugged back. Malachi cried and spoke up, What are we going to do now? Everyone is dead The town is destroyed Isaac just held him. We fix this place back up. A voice came from a few feet away. The two kids looked over to see none other than Micah Balding, a kid who moved from Gatlin to Hemmingford when they were all young. Micah? Micah smiled, Hello, Isaac. Long time no see. Isaac smiles a bit, So, whats your plan? Micah gestured to the children behind him, These are the kids I led in Hemmingford. We saw the town engulfed so we took time to get everything ready for the long journey here. We are in this together, Isaac. Im not leaving this time, I promise. Isaac nodded and the three began discussing how they were going to get everything fixed up and back the way it was.

~Years Later~

The town was finally rebuilt. The children looked over the work they did. They were happy with what they did, Isaac stood up on a box he had found so he could speak to everyone. Attention, children. Everyone went quiet and looked up at him, I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything that you all have done for us in these past few years. Without all of you, Gatlin wouldnt have been rebuilt this fast. Thank you for all your hard work to get this town back up. We couldnt have done it without you. The children all cheered as he stepped down from the box.

Everyone got assigned a house. Micah, Isaac, and Malachi all shared one of the bigger houses. Everyone got a few days to rest, recovering from working a lot. One morning Isaac was awoken by a knock at the front door. He stepped out of his room seeing that the knock had woke the other two. The three went downstairs and Isaac opened the door, being greeted by none other than Eli Porter. Isaac smiled a bit, Eli, youre back! Where have you been? Eli bowed a bit, Sorry for leaving all those years ago without explaining anything. Ill sum it up for you. I had looked a bit into the future and seen that the town was going to get burnt down. I tried my best to figure out a way to prevent such tragedy from happening but to no avail. So I had to quickly leave to gather up children who believed in my father. I knew everyone was going to die so I had to think fast. I managed to find a lot of children who believed in him and I see Micah brought the Hemmingford children here. I knew that would happen I just couldnt calculate when. Isaac nods, The Hemmingford kids helped rebuild the town. Eli nods back, I knew they would and they did a fantastic job. The three stepped out and followed Eli over to the children he had brought. The four of them went through and assigned those children a house to stay in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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