Ch1: new destroyer

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On the planet of the detroyer god of universe 7 we find our main protagonist y/n sparing with goku while they both in ultra instinct vegeta tried sparing with goku while he was in ultra instinct and got bodied. While the two were going at with everthing they had whis is overseeing there spar while they spared whis was always impressed with y/n while goku and vegeta were both pwerful warriors but wis was always impressed with y/n who seemed to grasp the concepts of his training much faster then the other two and it impresses whis even more because y/n is only a few years older then gokus oldest son gohan

While whis was continuing his evaluation of y/n he got a call on his staff

Grand priest:hello whis

Whis:hello father may i ask why the sudden contact it only happens if something serious is happening

Grand priest:something serious is happening im calling all supreme kais detroyers and angels this is a termination announcement brings those three mortals aswell

Whis just nodded and the call ended a termination announcement that means a god of destruction will be removed from there postion and it looks like one of his students will become new god of destruction of that universe

While whis was talking to the grand priest y/n managed to to get the upper hand on goku and sent him rocketing to the ground the impact was loud enough to wake up beerus who wasn't happy


Y/n:no offense beerus but training is never quiet no matter who you are

That didn't seem to sit well with beerus who wanted to sleep for the next 10 years after that he was to go to earth and eat so he charged y/n and y/n charged him but before there fist could make contact with eachother they stop by whis using his pinkie fingers

Beerus:what are you doing whis i have to teach this brat sayain

Y/n:and i get great happiness punching beerus in the face it's very therapeutic

Whis:I'm sorry but we have a meeting to attend immediately

Beerus:what's it about

Whis:apparently it's a termination announcement


Y/n:I'm going to assume somebody about to get fired

Whis:yes a god of destruction will be removed from there position and either you vegeta or goku will replace them but we must be off now

Everyone then grabbed whis and were telaported zeno palace

(Zeno palace)

They all made it to zeno palace and the other detroyers supreme kais and angels are there

Grand priest:good now that everyone is here we can begen

Everyone dropped to a knee well everyone except goku but y/n chopped the back of his knee and made him drop to one knee

Grand priest:now as I'm sure your al aware the reason for this meeting is that this is a termination announcement lord zeno have decide that one of you is no longer fit for your postion and will be removed the only detroyers that are safe from termination is Iwan of the universe 1,Arak of universe 5,Liquiir of universe 8 and Giin of universe 12 but first whis and his students remain in the center

Beerus and shin telaported away leaving only whis y/n Vegeta and goku

Grand priest:now whis tell about your students qualifications

Y/n God Of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now