Manifest Money

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Robert become a Millionaire in just 30 days.He attracted abundance and wealth. He lived in a golden and overly-ornate house that was made from dinosaur bones and dead leaves from a tree that had been the inspiration for a very famous children's storybook. He owned a very expensive and rare car, a Citroen, and a vast collection of even more expensive and rare collectible art, artifacts and statues. He had dozens of lovers of all ages and sexes. He owned a basset hound and a parrot that he never taught to speak; he often threw lavish parties and invited dozens of his closest and richest friends to attend. He had an open heart and always wore an expensive watch on his left wrist. He had a slithery and gleaming dead-eyed smile that few dared to look directly at, as was his way of dealing with them.He made his financial freedom oh his own.but how?

While Susan Jenkins quit her job, she went broke.For years she's been stuck in the same cycle:Quit. Regret. Repeat.If you've been thinking of quitting like millions around the world.Susan's husband is drunk again. She needs him to pay the bills and take care of the kids. She's getting scared.This bedtime ritual activates unlimited financial freedom.Successfully quitting is NOT about having the right skills.It's about having the ability to manifest wealth effortlessly.And in today's uncertain freedom should be TOP priority.

Penny: this phrase keeps you poorThose four words keep you stuck in scarcity."I can't afford it" is a money script keeping you broke.Instead of saying "I can't afford it"... ...say this instead: i can afford it.How CAN I afford it?By rewriting that money script, money will start showing up out of the blue.When Susan Jenkins rewrote her money script, she manifested 52K.Hear her tell the crazy story in this short video made for you.

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