The slumberparty

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Chapter 1

The slumber party

"We will be best friends for life!" Till death splits us apart!" My best friend said.

We were painting our nails and watching our favorite movie.  I was wearing my emerald green pajamas and my glitter penguin slippers. My best friend Blair was wearing a cute pink striped pajama with the same slippers as me but than in ocean blue instead of my hot pink ones. "I want a life like her's!" Blair pointed to the tv. "Stand still, I'm spilling the nail polish!" I laughed. She was laying her hand down so I could finally finish her nails. I painted her nails red with a little white on the ring fingers. After I finished her nails she painted mine. I said she could surprise me and she did. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I looked at my nails. They were bright blue and yellow. Blair and I looked each other in the eyes and started laughing again.

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary of being best friends. I was staying at her house for the night since there was no one home. Her parents were at a spa and her older sister stayed at her boyfriends house. We had the entire house for ourselves.

The night was young and the movie was almost over. We watched this movie almost every week, but it still makes us cry every time we're almost finished.

"What should we do after the movie?" I asked.

"Oehh, let's do karaoke!" Blair giggled exited. We'd never stopped the movie before there were no seconds left. We were sobbing when the after titles came. In the time of the after titles we had time to stop ourselves from crying and sobbing.

All of the sudden I heard the doorbell. We wiped our tears away and looked at each other. Blair looked very exited but I was very confused. I asked her if she knew who it was but she nodded no.

We went downstairs and opened the door. A huge crowd of people walked in and started opening doors and drawers. Looking for food and drinks.

"What the bloody hell is this?!" I screamed at Blair.

"Just a small party relax," Blair replied, "it's my house after all so none of your worries." She went upstairs before I could even answer.

Why would she host a party at our anniversary? A lot of questions were running trough my head but they all stopped when I saw some of my classmates walk in. I panicked and went upstairs to change. They couldn't see me like this, not in my pajamas! When I walked into Blair's room I saw Blair dressing up. "Why did you host a party and not tell me?" I asked her with a concerned look. "Well first of all I wanted to spice up this evening a little bit and second of all I wanted to meet your friends from school." Blair explained. I asked myself why she would do that at our 10th anniversary like it wasn't important enough. Not that I really said that to her because I could never be mad to her. "Just dress yourself and come downstairs with me." Blair cheered.

Blair always does this kind of stuff, she is the party animal of us two. I didn't prepare myself for a party so I had no clothes to put on for a party. Just when I was about to go sleep instead of going to the party I looked at the bed and saw an amazing outfit laying on the mattress. It was from Blair. With a sweet note that told that I had to wear one of her outfits to the party. Their also was a small gift next to the dress. I putted on the dress and opened the gift. Their was a beautiful crystal necklace in the shape of a heart. Labradorite, my favorite! Even when Blair does some crazy stuff sometimes she always makes it better with something special. I went downstairs to find Blair. Luckily I didn't came across any of my classmates. I was wandering around the house until I found Blair in the kitchen with some beer. I'm not really a fan of alcohol but I could use a beer. Blair was very excited when I came to her. She looked at me with sparkling eyes. "That dress looks amazing on you! And you found the necklace for our anniversary!" Blair cheered. I looked at her and saw that she had the same necklace as me but instead of labradorite she had a amethyst crystal. "Look there are your classmates!" Blair said exited, "let's go talk to them, I would love to meet them."

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