Hopeless Romantic

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His medium length, curly hair is the color of the dark roasted coffee he sips,

His jawline is sharp and covered in day old stubble.

Eyes a mix of caramel and honey that twinkle in the light.

My cheeks heat as his eyes catch mine, a teasing smirk pulls up his full lips and he cocks and eyebrow.

I pull my eyes to my own drink once he catches me staring and play with the straw.

My breath catches with nerves and excitement at the whisper of clothes as he moves from his booth to mine.

"Mind if I sit?" Butterflues erupt in my stomach as giddiness takes over.

I nod.

He sits.

The man teases me and I apologize for staring. He reassures me, saying he's glad I did.

Hours pass quickly as we talk. I feel things I've never felt before.

I hold my breath when he brushes some hair behind my ear.

We exchange numbers before he asks me on a date to which I agree enthusiastically.

My mind refocuses and he's gone. He and the coffee shop disappearing like a wisp of smoke.

I struggle to reorient myself after coming out of my daydream.

I sigh and squeeze my eyes.

I both love and hate my maladaptive daydreaming. It seems so real until I come crashing down to reality.

Coffee shop mystery man will stay in my dreams as will the feelings I experienced.

I'll continue in the real world, hopelessly wishing for that in this life.

Maladaptive daydreamer,

Hopeless romantic,

Hoping I'll get these experiences in more than just my dreams, I cling to the memory of the giddy feelings my coffee shop man brought me with his teasing smirk and twinkling caramel eyes.

Hopeless RomanticTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon