The Hermits!

898 34 11

T/W: bullys/bullying

POV: Grian 

I fall out of my seat when I see the teacher. Their hair is bright pink, bring back old memories. As calmly as I can, sit back in my chair, and study the teacher. 

They are male, with pink hair, no judgment, and Harry Potter glasses. His eyes are brown, and, to my relief, kind. 

"Hello everyone, good morning and before we get started, we have a new student! Grian, would you please stand up, introduce yourself, and state an interesting fact about yourself?" 

I inwardly sigh, then stand up nervously. "Hello, m-my name is Grian Frees, and, um, well..." I pause to think. What could I say? That I have magic? That I'm a deadly adversary? That I supposedly knew Mumbo as a child? "Ummm....." I say, continuing to stall. 

"I... um, have amnesia!" I say, suddenly getting an idea. "Yea. About six months ago, I took a nasty fall. I sprained my ankle, but it's healed now. And everything I know about my life before the accident was told to me by the doctors and my parents, so, sorry if I forgot that I know you or something." I say. 

There are murmurs from the other kids, but everyone seems to believe my story. Inwardly, I sigh, this time with relief.

I sit back down, and the teacher, who's name is Mr. Gidson, starts the lesson. I try to pay attention, but I'm too paranoid. Jumping at every unexpected noise or moment, my instincts screaming at me to draw my blade. I ignore them, with grate effort, as weapons aren't allowed on school grounds except the training ones, which are all wooden, and are forbidden from being taken out of the training area. 

Finally, the bell rings, and i head out of the room with the other students. Looking at my schedule, I take note of my next class. Math. I walk down the halls, eventually finding the right room just on time. I take my seat just as the bell rings. 

Math class is exactly the same as, um, social studies. I think that's what it was anyway. I sit down in the only available seat, ignore the looks the other kids shoot my way, introduce my self in exactly the same way, try to pay attention, fail to do so, and move to my next class. 

This continues until lunch. As I walk with the other kids, fallowing their lead, I smell the smell of food. My stomach grumbles, and I have to work hard to keep from plowing down everyone in front of me and running to the lunch room. 

I enter, grab a tray, get whatever is on the menu served onto said tray, and walk over to a table in the corner, with no people there. Just as i'm about to sit down, a guy who probably plays foot ball(American foot ball, if you are wondering) walks up to me. He has a grin that i instantly know means trouble. 

Sure enough, the first words out of his mouth are "hay there, new kid. You and me are gonna be real good friends." "Leave me alone." I say, once again going to sit down. And once again, he stops me. He pulls me up by the front of my shirt. It takes all of my restraint not to turn him into a black and blue pulp. 

"Whatcha gonna do? Hit me? Poke me?" At that last one, he pulls out a plastic knife, the kind that you get at fast food restaurants and holds it at a threatening angle. At that, I start to thrash, trying to get away from him, or rather, the knife away from me. 

"Scared of a little plastic, are we? Your more of a wimp than I thought." He pulls me closer, holding the knife at my throat, and I can't help but start to hyperventilate. I feel light headed, and I know I'm about to snap, something that CAN NOT HAPPEN, under ANY SURCOMSTANCES! 

And then I feel the knife being taken away, and my body being set back onto the ground. I collapse onto the bench of the cafeteria table, and watch as Visor, Mumbo, and a few, well, a lot of other people I don't recognize pull the bully off of me. I sigh with relief as the bully runs away, and plop my head onto the table. 

I jump up, feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, already on my feet, reaching for a weapon I don't have. i relax a bit when i realize that it's just the group of people who pulled the bully off of me. 

"Grian, right?" Visor asks. "Y-yes." I respond. "We'll Grian, I'm Xisuma, X for short. This is Mumbo, Iskall, Stress, Wels, Cleo, Joe, Beef, TFC...." Xisuma continues to list names, gesturing at each person in turn. 

Finally, he finishes, and says "and we call ourselves The Hermits!"

817 words. 

Date written 6/8/2022 (American date) published 

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