Made to be a Maid, and Born to Be Wild

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With the rapidly growing success of Lyrical Lily, the four bandmates were finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with everyday tasks.

"This is unbecoming of proper young ladies!" Haruna cried as she caught sight of Kurumi and Miiko's dorm. It was a mess! There were crumbs and candy wrappers all over the floor. There were papers and pencils strewn about on every open surface. The beds looked like they hadn't been made in forever! And clothing was scattered around the room in heaps. Haruna couldn't even tell what was clean and what was dirty!

"But Chairmaaannn!" Kurumi flopped backward onto her bed, ignoring the small pile of laundry she landed on, reaching into an open bag of chips on her nightstand. "We just finished a really long, intense concert and we're tired!" she cried. On the other bed, Miiko was facedown and motionless. Haruna sighed and shook her head, hands on her hips, but...the more that she thought about it...

A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her. Her own dorm was much neater and tidier, but she still had things to do. Homework, studying, a bit of cleaning...But now, all she wanted to do was...nap...When she passed Miyu's dorm, she saw that the other girl was in the exact same position as Miiko. They...were going to need to do something about this. But not right now...Not just yet...First, Haruna needed...a nap...


The next day, the girls strategized around the lunch table.

"Well...How about...we get a maid?" Miyu suggested thoughtfully.

"Huh?" the other three cried.

"Well, I was just thinking, when I was a little girl, I had a maid/tutor named Saori! She was ever so helpful and kind!" Miyu smiled at the memory. "I would love to have someone like that with us again!"

"Well, if Miyu thinks it's a good plan, I'm all for it!" Haruna said enthusiastically. "It certainly does sound like a lovely idea!"

"Pfft, of course you'd agree with Miyu right off the bat, Chairman," Kurumi snickered under her breath.

"Who are you calling Chairman?!" Haruna snapped back.

"Well, Miiko thinks it's a great idea! Miiko always loves making new friends!" Miiko cried excitedly.

"Great!" Miyu smiled. "That's three votes for! I guess now all we need is your opinion, Kurumi." She turned to the other girl hopefully.

"Ehh, all right, sure, why not? If it's someone willing to help out with all the boring chores and stuff, I'm all in," Kurumi smirked.

"Kurumi! You will not take advantage of anyone we hire; do you understand?" Haruna shook her finger at Kurumi. While she lectured and Kurumi rolled her eyes, Miyu and Miiko focused on how and where to find a maid.


A couple weeks later, they managed to find someone through the internet: a young lady named Kirumi Tojo, from Hope's Peak Academy. It was in another part of the country, but it wasn't too terribly far away from Arisugawa Academy.

"And to think, she's only a high schooler like us!" Haruna marveled as she looked at Kirumi's resume. It was most impressive!

"Aww, another Kirumi?" Kurumi pretended to pout. "Oh well! So long as we remember which one is the superior one!"

She was the maid they ultimately settled on because Miyu liked the idea of having someone close to her age, as Saori had been. Kurumi and Miiko agreed they didn't want anyone too old, in case she acted like the other nuns at their academy. Haruna, of course, lectured them on that little remark. But she was also in favor of Kirumi just because of how impressive her resume was.

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