Prompt #2

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Jere: ‘you home?’ -21.22-

ughhh i sense something , and i feel i’m not gonna like with what will happen. Jere, dan nada pesannya, yang tidak seperti biasanya. he’s a bubbly person. ga biasanya dia cuma kirim pesan satu baris begini, he usually spam me. a lot. per huruf bahkan. and i feel like i know what’s going on.

Jere: ‘Gue berantem lagi sama Nara’ -21.35-

kan. i kinda expect it, tapi tetep aja, that hurts me a bit. You need someone to talk to right now, i know…. tapi, harus gue lagi nih Jer yang jadi sandaran lo? while i know you must be already know, or at least get a hint of what i have for you. After all these years Jere, istg.

Jere: ‘gue kelepasan ngomong, gue minder sama dia yang udah punya karir dan income yang stable, sedangkan gue gini gini aja. being a freelancer haha’ -21.40-

Jere. for God sake. Lo dan sifat minder lo. duh apa lagi sih yang lo cari Jer? udah berapa kali gue bilang sih, being a freelancer is not a sin. you’ve already done a lot of great work. by being a freelancer. you love and passionate about your work. and that’s what matter kan? itu kan yang sering lo bilang juga? that as long as you’re happy, that’s enough, you’re happy by earning enough.

Jere: ‘Atau gue mulai coba kerja ke perusahaan aja ya Dis? haha’ -21.43-

Not that topic again Jere…. for all the people that cares for you and whom already accept who you are, you being you, with all your antics and condition, not that topic again Jere. We all know you’d be a zombie by working at some corporate. you did it once before.

Jere: ‘Tadi dia ngajak gue ketemu orangtuanya btw, and that’s why gue bilang gue minder… gue malu ketemu orangtuanya dengan gue yang sekarang, Dis’ -21.52-

oh well………. that stings a bit Jer… to know that she already sure about you by inviting you to meet her parents… and you already sure about her, if not only for your ‘freelance career concern’… so that’s that… it’s dead end for me, right? shit. that hurts lol

Jere: ‘eh lo udah tidur ya? sorry gue ganggu istirahat lo. nvm, Dis’ -21.54-

Disa: ‘sini, gue di rumah.’ -21.55-

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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