Highway Battle

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Update: some minor edits and typo fixes.

Please point out any typos you see, I'll gladly fix them.


"Take us over there right now!"

"You crazy kid, it isn't safe to be in all that chaos! We should head back."

"Screw that!" Mikoto Misaka exclaimed as she stepped out of the taxi (but not before leaving out the fare) and propelled herself through the air with electromagnetism.

She just hoped she wasn't late.


Touma Kamijou surveyed what would be considered by some to be the aftermath of a one-sided massacre. Vans upturned, security robots wrecked, and nary a body in sight.

Looking around to see a long blue car in the middle of it all, he saw an unconscious young girl, with a bouquet of flowers atop her hair. Sprinting towards the car he immediately took the car door off its hinges with his spider-srrength, snapped the seatbelt off her and held her in a bridal position, where he jumped off the highway and gently placed her down on thr ground before leaping up and continuing on looking around for any survivors.

He hoped he wouldn't see anyone seriously hurt from this, at the same time furious at the blatant disregard for human life.

Instincts blaring within his heart he turned arpund to see a long figure cloaked within the dust and debris formed from the battle. He squinted his eyes to get a better look, and he saw the flapping of their lab coat in the wind, as the dust settles to reveal his opponent.

'...The stripper lady? What the hell is she doing here?' The grave situation went at odds with his irreverent thoughts. 'Doesn't matter, I gotta get her outta here too.'

"Hey miss, are you OK? You shouldn't be here." He called out towards the brunette exhibitionist.

But she never seemed to stir. More than anything she stood as still as a statue.

"Uh, Mis-"

"Who are you?" Kamijou stopped his words as the woman began to speak. He didn't know, but there was something wrong here.

"...I was just... passing by, and I saw this explosion as I went by."

"Is that so?"

"...L-Look, you shouldn't be here. Where's AntiSkill? Why are all the vans and robots all wrecked, and where's the officers? Are you also stuck in this mess? I can help you leave this place, and I'll find the one responsible for this. First we gotta get you-" He told the woman about the danger of lingering in such a dangerous place, while anticipating any possible attack.

His words cut short when he heard the woman laugh in increasing intensity.

Something definitely was not right here. Somewhere deep in his mind told him of the threat in front of him.

And the laughter was the final checkmark in his suspicions.

"You... you did this. You're the one responsible."

"How astute. Did you think about it for more than 10 seconds?" The woman retorted. A wind blew in from his left, sending the rest of the dust away from the woman.

A chill went down Kamijou's spine as the woman's glare sharpened with a glint.

"I don't know whether to laugh, or sigh at this absurdity in front of me." She said with distaste as her predatory eyes scanned the scarlet mask. She felt as if the world was mocking her, sending some schmuck in a pathetically stupid Halloween costume to block her from her mission.

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