Volume 1 - V

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<< chapter 5 >>

~ Two against twenty ~

"Amidst the war, you're my safe place"

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"Amidst the war, you're my safe place"


"There is nothing as such Baba. Please believe me."

Pandattva sighed.

"You cannot get involved with him, Hiya. If someone else had seen you both like that, there would be news headlines till now about you both." Madri reprimanded Hiya.

"Chutki. Get one thing straight. No matter what, you cannot be with Ishan. He's a prince, he's becoming a famous cricketer day by day and we're just commoners. It's forbidden for us to even stay with them but it's their hospitality they're letting us."

Hearing Pandattva, Hiya could understand the difference between her and Ishan's lives. They were totally different. Not meant to be.

"I get it, Baba. I promise you it won't happen again."


The moonlight hit the palace as everyone prepared to retire for the night.

"Did you notice some changes in Ishan?" Asked Jyotsana, removing her earrings.

"Why are you asking this?" Jaisingh asked her.

"Well, no specific reason. But, I've noticed him. Today morning, after the Raj family agreed to stay, you should have the seen the sparkle on his face." Specified Jyotsana.

"That even I realised." Replied Jaisingh in affirmative.

"And today evening, I saw Ishan going into her room. But something happened and Pandattva was angry at them. Ishan won't tell me what's the matter and he's still depressed." Jyotsana spoke, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Well, that's a serious matter. I'll talk to Rao about this....."

"No! Ishan has always told us what bothered him, if anything bothers him now, he'll come to us. He's grown up now, let him handle his own issues." Jyotsana interrupted Jaisingh.

"Fine. Now sleep." Jaisingh exclaimed lazily.

Everyone slept in the palace, letting the darkness fall.


"You 5 go there. You 5 there. 10 stay with me. Find the Yuvraj and kill him. Anyone comes in your way, finish that person. Don't leave any signs behind. Understood?" Asked a man.

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