Volume 1 - IV

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<< chapter 4 >>

~ Another lovely encounter ~

"They were like the moon- part of them hidden somewhere"

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"They were like the moon- part of them hidden somewhere"


"It's my order to you, Pandattva." Said Jaisingh Arora in a commanding voice.

"But, Maharaj.... Would it be right if we...." Pandattva Raj started speaking but was interrupted by a zestful voice.

"What are the youngsters talking about?" Ishan mocked the adults which earned him a shoulder slap by his mother.

"Well, I asked Pandattva and Madri Ji to stay over for some days with their family. But they both are refusing." Summarised Jaisingh.

"Yuvraj, it's only you who can explain Maharaj now. Please understand it isn't possible for us...."

"Well, I'm sorry Madri aunty, but this time I'm with my father. It would be our pleasure to have you four as guests at our house! Please stay" Ishan spoke with his charismatic aura.

That was the end of debate for everyone. Be it in anger or love, nobody could refuse what the prince demanded.


"Why wasn't the work completed yesterday night?"

"Ranisa, it would have been completed, but just because of that girl....." Began speaking the man.

"What girl?" Came the question from the other end.

"She was really beautiful, Ranisa. With that beauty existing in reality, it could only be one girl. The daughter of Pandattva Raj, Hiya." Explained the man, a bit lost while talking about her beauty.

"Listen, you rat! I'm not here to see you imagining your fantasies with that girl. Spit out how she was coming in between." The woman said gritting her teeth.

"Coincidentally, she was standing in front of Yuvraj whenever I used to aim for him. As if she was saving him. But I'm sure she wasn't aware that she was in between. It was just a coincidence. I'm sorry Ranisa, the work would be done tonight."

"Hm. And listen, if you find the girl, finish her also. She has delayed my plan by a day, I won't spare her."



"Oh! So we are really staying?" Hiya asked.

"Yes, we are, Chutki." Answered Pandattva.

"Okay, Baba. Then I'll unpack my stuff." Hiya said, sounding perfectly normal.

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