Volume 1 - III

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<< chapter 3 >>

~ She's so different ~

"she was the missing piece in his life"

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"she was the missing piece in his life"


"Phew! I'm tired. So many guests. And we have to attend all of them!" Whined Vibha.

"Didi, it's because of all our ministers, soldiers and viceroys that we are living this life today." Explained Ishan.

"Hm, even I agree with you there." Said Vibha.

"Ishan!" A powerful voice boomed in the hall.

Ishan turned around to see his father, calling him.

Ishan excused himself from the crowd and made his way to his father.

"What's the matter, Papa?" Ishan asked, hoping for nothing serious.

"I wanted you to meet someone. You already know Pandattva Raj. This is his wife, Madri Raj" Introduced Jaisingh Arora.

Ishan greeted them with a Namaste and offered a friendly smile.

"This is Veer Raj, their son." Ishan offered a handshake which was reciprocated by Veer.

"And this is their daughter and first born"

Ishan moved his eyes to meet the girl's. As if time stopped for him.

The eyes he looked into were dark brown, big and doe shaped. The face looked like it would even make the shining light of the moon retreat. Waist length straight black locks were swaying, dancing along with the light breeze. Lips that had a tint of pink and red. And looked soft as petal.

"What's your name, Miss?" Ishan managed to find his voice and ask the question.

"Hiya Raj."


"The coming days, will be the last few days Ishan will see in this world." Said a woman.

"What will I get after completing the task?" Asked a bulky man.

The woman threw a bag full of gold bars.

"The work will be done." The man assured and left after bowing.

"I do feel sad for you Ishan! You are a great warrior, but you have one flaw. You trust your family blindly, especially the 'mothers'. This is going to be the cause of your death."

The woman smiled wickedly and got lost further in the darkness.


"So, how do you feel?" Hiya asked.

"How do you mean?" Ishan questioned, looking at Hiya.

"Well, you are the Yuvraj. The people love you so much. You're the brave warrior, best cricketer and model. It does feel complete right? You are the Mr Perfect!" Hiya explained, looking down all the while, avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah. It does feel good. But I'll feel content only after one thing" Ishan stated.

Curiousness started biting Hiya from within, but she remained quite and avoided the idea of interfering Ishan's personal life.

"You can ask. You're curious and I know, nothing can calm the curious heart!" Ishan said identifying what was going on in Hiya's mind.

"Ho... How.... Did you?...." Hiya stammered.

Ishan chuckled and said "That's no big deal. I've been doing this for years."

"Hm, okay then. Tell me, what is that thing which would complete the Prince's life. I bet that thing would be luckiest!" Hiya said while grinning.

Ishan lifted his eyes to meet the innocent ones.

"It's a person who can understand me, my passion and help me complete my responsibilities" Ishan briefed.

"And when do you think you'll find that person?" Hiya asked, with complete innocence.

"That's a good question, but sadly I don't have any answer to it right now." Ishan said quietly.

"Well, I just hope you find the person soon." Wished Hiya.

"Just keep wishing and maybe I would." Said Ishan.

Hiya was about to say something but was reminded by her ever active brain about her father's medicine.

She stood up suddenly, causing a frown on Ishan's face.

"I... Woh.... I need to leave now! Baba has to take his medicine." Hiya spoke.

"Ohh, umm yeah, I mean, it's pretty late, you should leave."

"It was nice meeting you Yuvraj!

Hiya looked one last time at the Prince, and left the place.

"She's so different. Better than the princesses I've met till date!" Ishan mumbled to himself, smiling like a small child.

Neither of the two slept that night, as it marked the beginning of a new journey. A journey which definitely was going to bring love and happiness, but also hate, danger and disgust in disguise.


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