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He scored a century in his match. But what was it's use, when he didn't have anybody with him to dedicate his success.

He received awards, appreciation and praises from all over the world, but still he didn't feel complete.

He could feel content about his achievement, only with her.

He needed to hear her soft yet bold voice, see her alluring and attractive face and embrace the slender and fragile body she possessed.

With his thoughts running a marathon in his unstable mind, he was sketching down a radiant face when the door opened.

"She will come back, don't worry, just give her some time to calm down." Jyotsana said sympathetically.

The young prince threw his sketch book away and looked down.

"Not this time. She's gone, not to come back again. And you know what, I don't care. I've forgotten her long back" he said, with undeniable anguish in his voice and eyes filled with sad tears.

Just a glimpse.
This is my first story on Wattpad.
I have been on Wattpad since a year and I was so influenced with all the Love stories that I decided to write one.
Sometimes I used to think that I should give a try to Historic love stories and sometimes I thought modern ones are best.
So I wondered why not just blend both of them, since anything is possible on Wattpad. 😂
Please give me your opinions about the Preface.
I'll soon be updating the first chapter.
Love y'all 💕

Rao - Rani (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now