Prucan - Part One

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It was Friday night, and Prussia was getting ready to go clubbing with France, and Spain; until Canada walked in with a pair of handcuffs, that is ;)
Gilbert was just putting his leather jacket on over his band T-shirt when he saw him standing in the doorway in his Canada hoodie, and sweats looking shy. "Oh. Hallo, birdie." He goes over to the Canadian, and gives him a kiss. "Vhat is mein awesome boyfriend up to?" Prussia notices something sticking out of his hoodie pocket and takes them out. "Vith mein handcuffs...?" Matthew blushes and looks down.
"I, uh... Found this thing on a website where it showed how to unlock handcuffs without the key...." He digs his toe into the carpet as he speaks just above a whisper. "I borrowed your handcuffs so I could try it out, and I was just coming to put them back, eh..."
"Vait, did you say unlock zhem vhizhout zhe key? Zhat's impossible, Mattie. You shouldn't believe everyzhing you read on zhe internet." Prussia said dismissively with a head shake and a 'kesese~'
Canada tilted his head to the side in confusion. "But I did it.."
Prussia looked at him in disbelief. "You found a vay to unlock mein handcuffs vizhout using zhe key?" Canada nodded. "Jou are seriously not pulling mein leg?"
Canada looked up at him with a pitiful puppy dog face. "Don't you trust me?"
The adorableness broke through the German's defenses. "Uh, ja ja! Of course I do! It's just zhat I've never seen zhis done, before. Could you please show me?"
The Canadian smiled a little, and nodded. He went over to a chair, and allowed the German to handcuff him to it. Once he was secure, Prussia stood in front of him with his arms crossed. "Ok, do it." After about a minute or two of slightly squirming in the chair, much to Prussia's amazement, Canada showed his free hands with the opened cuffs. "H-how..!?"
Canada grinned in triumph, and stood up. "Sit down, and I'll show you, eh?" He patted the chair.
Prussia hesitated. "I dunno, birdie. Maybe later. I've gotta get going..."
Canada nodded. "I understand if you're scared that you can't do it. It is a pretty tough trick to learn." He starts to walk away when Prussia grabs his arm.
"Hey, now. I never said I couldn't, I just have to be somewhere in ten minutes." He sounds defensive and looks a little steamed.
Prussia pets his cheek with his free hand. "Honey, you don't have to lie to me about being scared aboot it. I promise that I won't tell the guys." He leans up and kisses his nose. "I love you no matter what, Gilly ,<3"
Prussia growled, dragged Canada back to the chair, and sat down. "Show me how to do zhe damn trick." Canada shrugged, and secured the cuffs around his wrists. "Ok, vhat do you do, first."
Canada giggled. "Well," He leaned close to Prussia's ear, and whispered seductively. "If you behave, I might let you go a little earlier than I intended~" He put his hands where Gilbert could see them, and showed him the hidden pocket in his sleeve with the handcuff key.
It took a minute for Gilbert to process what just happened. "Mattie, vhat zhe hell are jou doing?"
Matthew buried his face in Gilbert's shoulder as if embarrassed. "I-I just wanted you to myself, and to make you happy." He started leaving light kisses on the German's neck, and nibbled on a sensitive spot.
Gilbert fought back a moan. "Leiben, jou already make me happy. Jou don't have to handcuff me to a chair."
Matthew stood up behind him. "Actually, I did that so you wouldn't ruin the dress."
"Dress? Vhat dre- eeeeehhhhhh..............?" Matthew stepped in front of the chair, revealing what he was wearing under his sweats, and making Gilbert temporarily brain dead from sexiness overload.

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