It's Not Fair

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                                                            STUFF TO KNOW BEFORE YOU READ


Lapis: A shade of blue

This story contains themes such as: Mental hospitals, kidnapping, and violence. If any of this bothers you, please don't read this story. There are words that some may not favor in this story. Up until the end of the story, it takes place in the 16th and 17th centuries. Towards the end of the story is when the metal institution comes in. This story has been separated into several paragraphs to make reading it easier. Stay safe out there and take care of yourself. ❤

                          'No. This isn't the way things were supposed to happen. This isn't fair...'


Seven years ago - Time Skip



I'm on my way to take my shift at the Lapis Dragon. The asthenosphere is always busy and almost never a drop of silence and peace were left once people started making their way to tables and demanding drinks. The job pays peanuts and we; the workers are being exploited but it beats being cold, hungry, dirty and over unkempt on streets. Working here is better than not even having two pennies to rub together, that's for sure without a shadow of a doubt!

The owner of the bar was a narrow-minded, aloof, devious, egotistical man named Barrett. Oh, did I forget to mention that he's a perverted freak!

I knew my co-workers even when I was on the streets struggling to make from day to day. We all pulled to together to make things work. Lilly and Avery are the best co-workers and friends anyone could get. If Barrett was treating one of us badly, we'd all come together and have a word with him. He knew that if we quit, he'd have nobody to work for him because you three were the only workers and nobody wanted to work there.

The Lapis Dragon had an interesting reputation because pirates who were looking for a place to rest (or engage in *cough* activities *cough*) who dock with their crew and come for a drink or two. Perhaps if the usual visitors were lucky, they'd get a fight-show from rival pirates trying to "settle" their differences.

There was one pirate that every soul on that island knew the name of: Captain Arthur Kirkland. He was everywhere! How could you not know who he and his crew were? They were infamous for looting and burning islands and their inhabitants to ashes with no remorse.

He was a very brutal person and nobody dared go against his word... The thought of what would happen if you did would send shivers down anyone's spine.

Imagine the disaster and turmoil caused when someone spotted a ship in the distance that had English flag on the pole. There was only one ship that ventured out that far into the ocean and everyone knew things were about to take a bloody turn.

Screams of terror filled the air and people tried to flee even if they knew it would futile.

"Y/N!! We need to go to the basement! Hurry!!" May and Avery began hurriedly push barrels to the doors and windows. "No, we need to get the doors barricaded so we have more time to escape.", you stated as helped lug the last barrel to the last window.

It's Not Fair - Pirate! England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now